google mock - EXPECT_CALL 即使函数有不同的参数也会触发

google mock - EXPECT_CALL triggers even though function has different argument

我有 EXPECT_CALL(MockObj, func("abc")).Times(1) 并且 MockObjNiceMock


我希望合理的做法是 Google 模拟说

oh look we call func("def") but the arguments do not match the EXPECT_CALL; nothing to see here

而是 "complains":

unknown file: Failure

Unexpected mock function call - taking default action specified at:


Function call: func(84bf3d9 pointing to "def")

      Returns: 1

Google Mock tried the following 1 expectation, but it didn't match:

unit_test.cpp:50: EXPECT_CALL(MockObj, func("abc"))...

Expected arg #0: is equal to 84c8b96 pointing to "abc"

Actual: 84bf479 pointing to "def"

Expected: to be called once

Actual: called once - saturated and active



我理解 GMock 抛出错误的原因:我在 func 上声明了一个期望,因此它试图将对 func 的调用与期望相匹配,但它与参数不匹配,所以 错误


但是为什么 GMock 会抛出 错误?由于参数不匹配,为什么选择此行为,即

throw an error if the function matches existing EXPECT_CALL but not the arguments

您的问题 "But why does GMock throw an error? " 的直接答案是:因为它就是这样设计的。

AFAIU googlemock - 你的 googlemock 是这样工作的:

  1. EXPECT_CALL(MockObj, func("abc")); - 意思是:"I am interested in Obj::func in my tests"
  2. MockObjNiceMock 表示:"I do not care about any other functions of Obj that are not explicit subject of EXPECT_CALL"

所以 - 如果您的测试代码调用 func("def") - 那么 google-mock 会这样做:

  1. 我们对 func 感兴趣 - 让我们检查一下
  2. 我们不希望 "def" - 所以未通过测试


EXPECT_CALL(MockObj, func(StrNe("abc"))).Times(AnyNumber()); // meaning - do not care EXPECT_CALL(MockObj, func("abc")); // TImes(1) is default - you might skip it