双向链表在第 n 个位置添加节点

Doubly linked list adding node at nth location

我需要帮助在我的双向链表中添加一个节点部分。我已经干掉了 运行 我的程序,它看起来很完美,但在添加第二个或第三个节点时崩溃了。我想要一个合乎逻辑的理由为什么会这样。任何人?这是我的代码。

class node
        int data;
        node* next;
        node* previous;

    class linklist
        node* current;
        node* head;
        node* tail;
        int count;
        int size;

        linklist() : head(NULL), tail(NULL), size(1) {}

    void addNthNode(int Data, unsigned int position)
            node* currentNew = new node;
            currentNew->data = Data;

            if (position == 1)
                currentNew->next = head;
                currentNew->previous = NULL;
                head = currentNew;

            node* temp1 = head;
            for (int i = 1; i < position - 1; i++)
                temp1 = temp1->next;

            node* temp2 = temp1->next;

            currentNew->previous = temp1;
            currentNew->next = temp2;

    int getSizeOfList()
            node* temp = head;
            while (temp->next != NULL)
                temp = temp->next;
            return size;

    void main()
        linklist l;

        l.addNthNode(1, 1);
        l.addNthNode(2, 2);
        l.addNthNode(3, 3);

        cout << "\nSize of list : " << l.getSizeOfList() << endl << endl;


插入新节点时,您不会更新所选位置任何现有节点的 nextprevious 字段,因此它们指向新节点。您也没有增加列表的 countsize 字段,或者在列表末尾插入时更新其 tail 字段。


class node
    int data;
    node* next;
    node* previous;

    node(int value = 0) : data(value), next(NULL), previous(NULL) {}

class linklist
    node* head;
    node* tail;
    int size;

    linklist() : head(NULL), tail(NULL), size(0) {}

    void addNthNode(int Data, unsigned int position)
        node* currentNew = new node(Data);

        if (position <= 1)
            currentNew->next = head;
            if (head)
                head->previous = currentNew;
            head = currentNew;

        if (position >= size)
            currentNew->previous = tail;
            if (tail)
                tail->next = currentNew;
            tail = currentNew;

        if ((position > 1) && (position < size))
            node *temp = head;
            while (position-- > 1)
                temp = temp->next;

            currentNew->next = temp;

            if (temp->previous)
                temp->previous->next = currentNew;
            temp->previous = currentNew;


    int getSizeOfList()
        return size;

    void printList()

int main()
    linklist l;

    l.addNthNode(1, 1);
    l.addNthNode(2, 2);
    l.addNthNode(3, 3);

    std::cout << "\nSize of list : " << l.getSizeOfList() << std::endl << std::endl;

    return 0;

话虽如此,您应该认真考虑使用 std::list 而不是手动实施:

#include <list>

class linklist
    std::list<int> l;

    void addNthNode(int Data, unsigned int position)
        std::list<int>::iterator iter = l.begin();
        std::advance(iter, position-1);
        l.insert(iter, Data);

    int getSizeOfList()
        return l.size();

    void printList()

int main()
    linklist l;

    l.addNthNode(1, 1);
    l.addNthNode(2, 2);
    l.addNthNode(3, 3);

    std::cout << "\nSize of list : " << l.getSizeOfList() << std::endl << std::endl;

    return 0;