geom_bar ggplot2 绘图类别但根据附加因素分配色标

geom_bar ggplot2 plotting category but assigning colour scales based on an additional factor

我想知道是否有任何方法可以调整 geom_bar 堆栈图的颜色,而不是绘制的组件?


   species count       date type
1        a    20 2016-05-22  Phy
2        b    34 2016-05-22  Phy
3        c    45 2016-05-22  Phy
4        d     4 2016-05-22  Zoo
5        e    43 2016-05-22  Zoo
6        f     9 2016-05-22 Bact
7        g    19 2016-05-22 Bact
8        h    32 2016-05-22 Bact
9        a    16 2016-05-23  Phy
10       b     0 2016-05-23  Phy
11       c     0 2016-05-23  Phy
12       d     2 2016-05-23  Zoo
13       e    42 2016-05-23  Zoo
14       f    23 2016-05-23 Bact
15       g    22 2016-05-23 Bact
16       h    21 2016-05-23 Bact

所以我的问题是我想在 ggplot 中绘制堆积条:

ggplot(df, aes(x = date, y=count, group = species, fill = Species)) + 
  geom_bar(stat = "identity")

但是,我希望条形的颜色由 "type" 确定,类型中的每个类别都有自己的色标。这样,如果物种 a-c 都在 "Phy" 类别中,物种 a、b 和 c 将是,例如,不同深浅的蓝色。


谢谢! 大号



# Reorder the levels of the species factor by type
df = df %>%
    mutate(species = fct_reorder(species, as.numeric(type)))
unique_df = df %>% distinct(type, species)
type_counts = table(unique_df$type)

colours = character(0)
# Need to manually fill this at least up to the number of types
palettes = c("Blues", "Greens", "Reds")

for (i in 1:length(type_counts)) {
    colours = c(colours, brewer_pal(palette = palettes[i])(type_counts[i]))

ggplot(df, aes(x = date, y=count, group = species, fill = species)) + 
    geom_bar(stat = "identity", colour = "black") +
    scale_fill_manual(values = colours) +


ggplot(df, aes(date, count)) + 
  geom_col(aes(fill = species)) + 
  facet_grid(. ~ type) + 
  scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Spectral") +

这种类型的数据更适合 slopegraph。这会向您显示堆叠条形图看不到的清晰模式。

例如,现在很明显,虽然细菌种类在第 1 天具有异质丰度,但处理导致它们在第 2 天收敛到单一丰度。植物都受到处理的有害影响,有些严重但 "a" 只是轻微的。这些动物几乎没有受到任何影响,保持了之前的群落结构。


ggplot(df, aes(date, count, group = species)) +
  facet_grid(type ~ .) +
  geom_line(aes(colour = type), size = 3, show.legend = F) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_text(data = function(x) {x %>% filter(date == min(date))},
            aes(label = species), nudge_x = -.025) + 