如何单击 UFT 中航班预订应用程序的 Wpf 日历中的特定行

How to click a particular Row in WpfCalendar of Flights Reservation Application in UFT

根据需要,我想 select 下面显示的 FlightsGrid 图像的第二行。 应用下面的代码,我得到的 RowCount 为 6,但无法点击第 3 行。

Set ODesc = Description.Create
oDesc("micclass").value = "WpfTable"
Set objchild = WpfWindow("HPMyFlightSampleApplication").WpfTable("Table_FlightsGrid")
objCount = objchild.rowcount


WpfTable 对象不是集合,它不支持索引。您是否尝试使用其 SelectRow 方法?

首先,如果您能够获得 table 的行数,为什么还要在此处使用 DP。 以下两行将为您提供 table 的行数:

Set objchild = WpfWindow("HPMyFlightSampleApplication").WpfTable("Table_FlightsGrid")
objCount = objchild.rowcount

其次,尝试使用其 SelectRow 方法 select 所需的行。

正如@Motti 所建议的,您可以这样使用 SelectRow. Or if you want to go more in depth and want to select particular cell (which will eventually select the entire row), you can use SelectCell

'Rows and Columns indexes are 0-based
iCols = WpfWindow("devname:=HPE MyFlight Sample Application").WpfTable("devname:=flightsDataGrid").ColumnCount
iRows = WpfWindow("devname:=HPE MyFlight Sample Application").WpfTable("devname:=flightsDataGrid").RowCount

sFlightNum = "12274 NW"

For i = 0 To iRows
    If WpfWindow("devname:=HPE MyFlight Sample Application").WpfTable("devname:=flightsDataGrid").GetCellData(i, 4) = sFlightNum Then
        WpfWindow("devname:=HPE MyFlight Sample Application").WpfTable("devname:=flightsDataGrid").SelectCell i, 4
        Exit For
    End If
