
How to align checkbutton in ttk to the left side

我想配置 tkinter.ttk.Checkbutton 的样式 style.configure('TCheckbutton', background=theme, foreground='white', anchor=tkinter.W) 以将该复选按钮与左侧对齐,因为现在它位于中间。非常感谢每一个答案:)

也许您正在寻找 anchor 选项。它采用表示罗盘上的点的字符串(例如:"w" = "west",表示文本锚定在左侧)::

Label(..., anchor="w").grid(...)


下面是一些代码,用于说明左包、右包和无赋值将执行的操作以及锚点 e、w 和无赋值将执行的操作。

这应该能让您更好地了解如何使用 pack 与 anchor 以及何时使用它。

from tkinter import *
import tkinter.ttk as ttk

root = Tk()

packLabel = Label(root)
packLabel.pack(side = LEFT)
packLabel.config(text = "Packed LEFT")

pack2Label = Label(root)
pack2Label.config(text = "no Pack side")

pack3Label = Label(root)
pack3Label.pack(side = RIGHT)
pack3Label.config(text = "Packed RIGHT")

anchorLabel = ttk.Label(root,width = 50, background = "green", anchor = 'e')
anchorLabel.pack(side = BOTTOM)
anchorLabel.config(text = "anchor = 'e'")

anchor2Label = Label(root,width = 50, background = "orange", anchor = 'w')
anchor2Label.pack(side = BOTTOM)
anchor2Label.config(text = "anchor = 'w'")

anchor3Label = Label(root,width = 50, background = "black", fg = "white")
anchor3Label.pack(side = BOTTOM)
anchor3Label.config(text = "no anchor while packed BOTTOM")

checkButton = ttk.Checkbutton(root)
checkButton.config(text = "Checkbutton anchor = 'w'")
checkButton.pack(anchor = "w") # anchor the pack for ttk.

