在 RxJS 中分支和(重新)加入值对

Branching and (re-)joining value pairs in RxJS


  1. 拆分值并在单独的流上处理每个部分
  2. 每个流都会转换数据,我无法控制应用的转换
  3. (重新)将部分值与其相应的计数器部分合并


因为每个流都可能有一些异步操作,所以在加入流时它们不会按顺序出现。使用某种 concat() 也不起作用,因为它会阻止所有传入值。处理应该并行进行。


                            | [{a1,b1}, {a2,b2}, ...]
                           / \
                   {a<x>} /   \ {b<x>}
                         /     \
                        |       |
                        |       + async(b<x>) -> b'<x>
                        |       |
                        \       /
                         \     /
                          \   /
                           \ /
                            + join(a<x>, b'<x>)
                            | [{a1,b'1}, {a2,b'2}, ...]

我知道这可以通过 result selector 函数来完成。例如

  ({a, b}) => Rx.Observable.of(b).let(async), 
  ({a}, processedB) => ({a, b:processedB})

但是,(a) 这将导致 async 对于每个值总是 setup/tear 下降。我希望部分流只被初始化一次。此外,(b) 这仅适用于一个异步流。

我也尝试过使用 window*,但不知道如何重新加入值。还尝试使用 goupBy 但没有成功。


这是我目前的尝试。它有提到的问题 (a)。 Init...Completed... 应该只记录一次。

const doSomethignAsync = data$ => {
  console.log('Init...') // Should happen once.
  return data$
    .mergeMap(val => Rx.Observable.of(val.data).delay(val.delay))
    .finally(() => console.log('Completed...')); // Should never happen

const input$ = new Rx.Subject();
const out$ = input$
    ({ a, b }) => Rx.Observable.of(b).let(doSomethignAsync),
    ({ a }, asyncResult ) => ({ a, b:asyncResult })
  .subscribe(({a, b}) => {
    if (a === b) { 
      console.log(`Re-joined [${a}, ${b}] correctly.`);
    } else {
      console.log(`Joined [${a}, ${b}]...`); // Should never happen

input$.next({ a: 1, b: { data: 1, delay: 2000 } });
input$.next({ a: 2, b: { data: 2, delay: 1000 } });
input$.next({ a: 3, b: { data: 3, delay: 3000 } });
input$.next({ a: 4, b: { data: 4, delay: 0 } });
<script src="https://unpkg.com/rxjs/bundles/Rx.min.js"></script>


就是说,这里是一种可能的方式,它做出了一堆假设。它有点通用,就像与 let.


(旁注:我将其命名为 "collate",但这是一个糟糕且极具误导性的名称,但没时间命名...)

const collate = (...segments) => source$ =>
    .mergeMap((obj, index) => {
      return segments.map(({ key, work }) => {
        const input = obj[key];
        const output$ = work(input);

        return Observable.from(output$).map(output => ({
          result: { [key]: output }
      obj => obj.index,
      obj => obj.result,
      group$ => group$.skip(segments.length - 1)
    .mergeMap(group$ =>
        (obj, result) => Object.assign(obj, result),


const result$ = input$.let(
    key: 'a',
    work: a => {
      // do stuff with "a"
      return Observable.of(a).map(d => d + '-processed-A');
  }, {
    key: 'b',
    work: b => {
      // do stuff with "b"
      return Observable.of(b).map(d => d + '-processed-B');

给定输入 { a: '1', b: '1 },它会输出 { a: '1-processed-A', b: '1-processed-B' } 等等,正确分组,同时尽可能多地同时进行——它所做的唯一缓冲是将所有段匹配在一起以获得特定的输入。

这是一个 运行 演示 https://jsbin.com/yuruvar/edit?js,output


可能有更多 clear/simpler 方法可以做到这一点,特别是如果您可以对某些内容进行硬编码而不是使它们通用。但让我们分解一下我所做的。

const collate = (...segments) => source$ =>
    // for every input obj we use the index as an ID
    // (which is provided by Rx as autoincrementing)
    .mergeMap((obj, index) => {
      // segments is the configuration of how we should
      // chunk our data into concurrent processing channels.
      // So we're returning an array, which mergeMap will consume
      // as if it were an Observable, or we could have used
      // Observable.from(arr) to be even more clear
      return segments.map(({ key, work }) => {
        const input = obj[key];
        // the `work` function is expected to return
        // something Observable-like
        const output$ = work(input);

        return Observable.from(output$).map(output => ({
          // Placing the index we closed over lets us later
          // stitch each segment back to together
          result: { [key]: output }
    // I had returned Array<Observable> in mergeMap
    // so we need to flatten one more level. This is
    // rather confusing...prolly clearer ways but #YOLO
    // now we have a stream of all results for each segment
    // in no guaranteed order so we need to group them together
      obj => obj.index,
      obj => obj.result,
      // this is tough to explain. this is used as a notifier
      // to say when to complete() the group$, we want complete() it
      // after we've received every segment for that group, so in the
      // notifier we skip all except the last one we expect
      // but remember this doesn't skip the elements downstream!
      // only as part of the durationSelector notifier
      group$ => group$.skip(segments.length - 1)
    .mergeMap(group$ =>
      // merge every segment object that comes back into one object
      // so it has the same shape as it came in, but which the results
        (obj, result) => Object.assign(obj, result),

我没有考虑或担心错误 handling/propagation 可能如何工作,因为这在很大程度上取决于您的用例。如果您无法控制每个段的处理,那么还建议包括某种超时和 .take(1),否则您可能会泄漏订阅。