我可以在 Google Vision api 中给出纵横比吗?

Can i give aspect ratio in Google Vision api?

I was exploring google vision and in the specific function 'detectCrops', gives me the crop hints. what does this means exactly?

我尝试用示例图像点击 api 并得到具有四个坐标的数组的响应。这个坐标代表什么?纵横比是固定的吗?我可以指定特定的纵横比吗? .文档不清晰或者我看不懂


var vision = require('@google-cloud/vision')({
  projectId: Credentials.PROJECT_ID,
  credentials: Credentials.AUTH_KEY

vision.detectCrops('img.jpg', function(err, crops, apiResponse) {
  console.log('err', err)
  console.log('crops', crops)
  console.log('apiResponse', apiResponse)


err null

crops [ [ { x: 0, y: 0 },
  { x: 649, y: 0 },
  { x: 649, y: 399 },
  { x: 0, y: 399 } ] ]

apiResponse { responses:
 [ { faceAnnotations: [],
   landmarkAnnotations: [],
   logoAnnotations: [],
   labelAnnotations: [],
   textAnnotations: [],
   fullTextAnnotation: null,
   safeSearchAnnotation: null,
   imagePropertiesAnnotation: null,
   cropHintsAnnotation: [Object],
   webDetection: null,
   error: null } ] }


vision.detectCrops('./img.jpg', {imageContext : {cropHintsParams : {aspectRatios : [1.77]}}}, function(err, crops, apiResponse) {
  console.log('crops', crops) 