Cytoscape.js: 将渲染位置转换为模型位置

Cytoscape.js: Convert a rendered position to a model position

如何转换 rendered position to a model position


var rpos = cy.pan(); 
var mpos = cy.toModelPosition(rpos); // Get top left corner position in model



function toModelPosition(pos) {
    return {
        x: (pos.x - cy.pan().x) / cy.zoom(),
        y: (pos.y - cy.pan().y) / cy.zoom(),

您通常不需要转换它们,因为 api 中的函数允许您传递任何一个值。

就像@maxkfranz 提到的,Cytoscape API 的大多数函数都接受这两种格式。


// Convert a rendered position to a model position
cy.toModelPosition = (pos) => {
    const pan = cy.pan();
    const zoom = cy.zoom();
    return {
        x: (pos.x - pan.x) / zoom,
        y: (pos.y - pan.y) / zoom,
// Convert a model position to a rendered position
cy.toRenderedPosition = (pos) => {
    const pan = cy.pan();
    const zoom = cy.zoom();
    return {
        x: pos.x * zoom + pan.x,
        y: pos.y * zoom + pan.y,