python vs java 用于 kafka 实施
python vs java for kafka implementation
@kafka 用户:
我一直在努力理解 python kafka 客户端,包括 PyPy 客户端。以下是我阅读并实现了一些类似结果的良好基准测试:
我非常困惑 Java 是否比 python 有巨大优势,因为这些库是使用 Java 和 kafka 编写的。所以我的问题是,当使用 Java 或 PyPy/Python 时,Java 中 Kafka 的本机实现是否对性能有很大帮助,或者同样更好?
作为一名 python 程序员,我对 java 一点也不满意,因此感到困惑。
Apache Kafka 定义了一种语言中性线协议(参见 and so clients can be written in any programming language and do not need to be based on the Java client that ships with the core Kafka distribution. For example, the c/c++ librdkafka library is a very high performance non-Java client. There are a number of python Kafka clients including one that is based on librdkafka. Benchmark results and other comparison information for the various Kafka Python clients is available here
@kafka 用户:
我一直在努力理解 python kafka 客户端,包括 PyPy 客户端。以下是我阅读并实现了一些类似结果的良好基准测试:
我非常困惑 Java 是否比 python 有巨大优势,因为这些库是使用 Java 和 kafka 编写的。所以我的问题是,当使用 Java 或 PyPy/Python 时,Java 中 Kafka 的本机实现是否对性能有很大帮助,或者同样更好?
作为一名 python 程序员,我对 java 一点也不满意,因此感到困惑。
Apache Kafka 定义了一种语言中性线协议(参见 and so clients can be written in any programming language and do not need to be based on the Java client that ships with the core Kafka distribution. For example, the c/c++ librdkafka library is a very high performance non-Java client. There are a number of python Kafka clients including one that is based on librdkafka. Benchmark results and other comparison information for the various Kafka Python clients is available here