找不到元数据文件 'E:\MyProject\Core-Angular\Core-Angular.Common\bin\Debug\netstandard1.6\Core-Angular.Common.dll'

Metadata file 'E:\MyProject\Core-Angular\Core-Angular.Common\bin\Debug\netstandard1.6\Core-Angular.Common.dll' could not be found

我在我的项目中使用 class 库。但是当我重建项目时,它显示了这个错误:

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error E:\MyProject\Core-Angular\Core-Angular.DomainClass\error CS0006: Metadata file 'E:\MyProject\Core-Angular\Core-Angular.Common\bin\Debug\netstandard1.6\Core-Angular.Common.dll' could not be found CoreAngular.DomainClass C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v14.0\DotNet\Microsoft.DotNet.Common.Targets 262

我用 Add Refrence 添加 class 库并将其添加到 Project.json 但它也显示错误。




A : 我右键单击我的项目,但找不到 Configuration .

B :

* Clean every project individually (Right click the project -> Clean).
* Rebuild every project individually (Right click the project -> Rebuild).
* Rebuild the startup project (Right click the project -> Rebuild).

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