在一维网格中计算 warp id / lane id 的最有效方法是什么?

What's the most efficient way to calculate the warp id / lane id in a 1-D grid?



enum : unsigned { warp_size = 32 };
auto lane_id = threadIdx.x % warp_size;
auto warp_id = threadIdx.x / warp_size;


enum : unsigned { warp_size = 32, log_warp_size = 5 };
auto lane_id = threadIdx.x & (warp_size - 1);
auto warp_id = threadIdx.x >> log_warp_size;


(灵感来自 。)



尝试完全避免计算是非常诱人的 - 因为如果您深入了解,这两个值似乎已经可用。

你看,nVIDIA GPU 有特殊的寄存器,你的(编译)代码可以读取这些寄存器来访问各种有用的信息。一个这样的寄存器保存 threadIdx.x;另一个持有 blockDim.x;另一个 - 时钟滴答计数;等等。显然,C++ 作为一种语言并没有公开这些内容;事实上,CUDA 也没有。然而,CUDA 代码编译成的中间表示,命名为 PTX, does expose these special registers(自 PTX 1.3 起,即 CUDA 版本 >= 2.1)。

其中两个特殊寄存器是 %warpid%laneid。现在,CUDA 支持使用 asm 关键字在 CUDA 代码中内联 PTX 代码——就像它可以用于主机端代码直接发出 CPU 汇编指令一样。通过这种机制,可以使用这些特殊寄存器:

__forceinline__ __device__ unsigned lane_id()
    unsigned ret; 
    asm volatile ("mov.u32 %0, %laneid;" : "=r"(ret));
    return ret;

__forceinline__ __device__ unsigned warp_id()
    // this is not equal to threadIdx.x / 32
    unsigned ret; 
    asm volatile ("mov.u32 %0, %warpid;" : "=r"(ret));
    return ret;


第一个问题 - 正如@Patwie 所建议的那样 - 是 %warp_id 没有给你你真正想要的 - 它不是网格上下文中的扭曲索引,而是在物理 SM(一次可以容纳如此多的经线),而这两者并不相同。所以不要使用%warp_id.

至于 %lane_id,它确实为您提供了正确的值,但几乎肯定会损害您的性能:即使它是一个“寄存器”,它也不像寄存器文件中的常规寄存器, 1 个周期的访问延迟。它是一个特殊的寄存器,在实际硬件中是retrieved using an S2R instruction,可以表现出较长的延迟。由于您几乎可以肯定已经在寄存器中拥有 threadIdx.x 的值,因此对该值应用位掩码比检索 %lane_id.

底线:只需根据线程 ID 计算 warp ID 和 lane ID。我们暂时无法解决这个问题。

另一个答案是非常危险!自己计算 lane-id 和 warp-id。

#include <cuda.h>
#include <iostream>

inline __device__ unsigned get_lane_id() {
  unsigned ret;
  asm volatile("mov.u32 %0, %laneid;" : "=r"(ret));
  return ret;

inline __device__ unsigned get_warp_id() {
  unsigned ret;
  asm volatile("mov.u32 %0, %warpid;" : "=r"(ret));
  return ret;

__global__ void kernel() {
  const int actual_warpid = get_warp_id();
  const int actual_laneid = get_lane_id();
  const int expected_warpid = threadIdx.x / 32;
  const int expected_laneid = threadIdx.x % 32;
  if (expected_laneid == 0) {
    printf("[warp:] actual: %i  expected: %i\n", actual_warpid,
    printf("[lane:] actual: %i  expected: %i\n", actual_laneid,

int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
  dim3 grid(8, 7, 1);
  dim3 block(4 * 32, 1);

  kernel<<<grid, block>>>();
  return 0;


[warp:] actual: 4  expected: 3
[warp:] actual: 10  expected: 0
[warp:] actual: 1  expected: 1
[warp:] actual: 12  expected: 1
[warp:] actual: 4  expected: 3
[warp:] actual: 0  expected: 0
[warp:] actual: 13  expected: 2
[warp:] actual: 12  expected: 1
[warp:] actual: 6  expected: 1
[warp:] actual: 6  expected: 1
[warp:] actual: 13  expected: 2
[warp:] actual: 10  expected: 0
[warp:] actual: 1  expected: 1
[lane:] actual: 0  expected: 0
[lane:] actual: 0  expected: 0
[lane:] actual: 0  expected: 0
[lane:] actual: 0  expected: 0
[lane:] actual: 0  expected: 0
[lane:] actual: 0  expected: 0
[lane:] actual: 0  expected: 0
[lane:] actual: 0  expected: 0
[lane:] actual: 0  expected: 0
[lane:] actual: 0  expected: 0
[lane:] actual: 0  expected: 0

另请参阅 PTX 文档

A predefined, read-only special register that returns the thread's warp identifier. The warp identifier provides a unique warp number within a CTA but not across CTAs within a grid. The warp identifier will be the same for all threads within a single warp.

Note that %warpid is volatile and returns the location of a thread at the moment when read, but its value may change during execution, e.g., due to rescheduling of threads following preemption.


The docs makes this clear:

For this reason, %ctaid and %tid should be used to compute a virtual warp index if such a value is needed in kernel code; %warpid is intended mainly to enable profiling and diagnostic code to sample and log information such as work place mapping and load distribution.

如果你认为,好吧,让我们为此使用 CUB:这甚至会影响 cub::WarpId()

Returns the warp ID of the calling thread. Warp ID is guaranteed to be unique among warps, but may not correspond to a zero-based ranking within the thread block.

编辑:使用 %laneid 似乎是安全的。