在 python 2.7 中划分字符串

Dividing strings in python 2.7

我从事自动百叶窗/窗帘项目已有一段时间了,一切正常,但我想添加百叶窗在早上逐渐打开的功能。我正在从配置文件中读取我的值,并将这些值转换为工作正常的字符串,只是由于某种原因无法划分该值。我已经尝试了很多方法来做到这一点,但我似乎遇到了错误,例如 - SyntaxError:无法分配给运算符和 TypeError:无法连接 'str' 和 'int' 对象。有没有人知道如何划分 python 字符串然后将该字符串用作睡眠值?

我对编程还很陌生(我 13 岁)

from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
config = SafeConfigParser()

config.read('/home/pi/config.conf') #read config file
openTime = config.get('blinds', 'open time(secs)') # -> "openTime"
print 'Overall open time ' + openTime + ' seconds'

## code to divide openTime by 5 and print the value

print 'gradual open time' + DividedOpenTime + ' seconds'

## code to repeat in a loop 5 times with a sleep of the value of 
## DividedOpenTime    

编辑 1


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test.py", line 11, in <module>
    print 'gradual open time' + divOpenTime + ' this will repeat 5 times'
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'float' objects


from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
config = SafeConfigParser()
import time

config.read('/home/pi/config.conf') #read config file
openTime = config.get('blinds', 'open time(secs)') # -> "openTime"
print 'Overall open time ' + openTime + ' seconds'

divOpenTime = float(openTime)/5 #working (:
loop = 0
print 'gradual open time' + divOpenTime + ' this will repeat 5 times'

for x in range(0, 5):
    loop += 1
    print 'gradual opening stage ' + loop + '/5'
    #GPIO true- I know how to do this
    time.sleep(divOpenTime) #working (:
    #GPIO False- I know how to do this
    time.sleep(15) #time between each interval fixed value



DividedOpenTime = float(openTime)/5


 print 'Gradual open time ' + str(divOpenTime) + ' seconds this will repeat 5 

您必须 add/convert 将您的浮点值转换为字符串以便打印。你做 这与:


再次感谢您的帮助 Ed