用 perl 观察文件变化(macos 和 linux)

watching files for changes with perl (macos and linux)

我想查看一组文件的更改,这样做不会消耗大量 CPU 和电池电量。理想情况下,我的 perl 代码在 macos 和 linux 上都会 运行,但前者更重要。我试过了

我试过 Mac::FSEvents,它在 macOS 上工作,似乎对目录很有效,但据我所知不适用于文件。

my $fs = Mac::FSEvents->new('try.txt');
my $fh= $fs->watch;

my $sel = IO::Select->new($fh);
while ( $sel->can_read ) {
  my @events = $fs->read_events;
  for my $event ( @events ) {
    printf "File %s changed\n", $event->path;

根本没有反应;更有希望的 OS 不可知论者

use File::Monitor;
my $monitor = File::Monitor->new();

my @files= qw(try.txt);

foreach (@files) { $monitor->watch($_); }

消耗 100% CPU。 $monitor-watch() 单独不会阻塞。我也试过了

use File::Monitor;
my $monitor = File::Monitor->new();

$monitor->watch('try.txt', sub {
                  my ($name, $event, $change) = @_;
                  print "file has changed\n";



use File::ChangeNotify;

my $watcher =
  ( directories => [ './' ],
    filter      => qr/try\.txt/,

# blocking
while ( my @events = $watcher->wait_for_events() ) {
  print "file has changed\n";

但是 CPU 利用率再次很高 (70%)。

也许这些都是错误的 cpan 模块。有人可以给我一些建议吗?



部分(特定于 macos 的)示例:

use IO::Select;
use Mac::FSEvents;
my $fs = Mac::FSEvents->new(
    path          => ['./try.txt', './try2.txt'],
    file_events   => 1,

my $fh= $fs->watch;
my $sel = IO::Select->new($fh);
while ( $sel->can_read ) {
  my @events = $fs->read_events;
  for my $event ( @events ) {
    printf "File %s changed\n", $event->path;

(即,它需要 file_events 标志。)