C - X11 API: 图形不在 While 循环中工作

C - X11 API: Graphics not Working in a While Loop


int width, height;
GC gc_backcolor;
XGCValues gcv_backcolor;

width = c_values.width;
height = c_values.height;

gcv_backcolor.background = c_values.backcolor;
gcv_backcolor.foreground = c_values.backcolor;
gc_backcolor = XCreateGC(display, canvas, GCBackground | GCForeground, &gcv_backcolor);

int x = 0;
int y = 0;

while (y < height) {
    x = 0;

    while (x < width) {
        XDrawPoint(display, canvas, gc_backcolor, x, y);

x = 0;
y = 0;

...出于某种原因,当我 运行 循环时,它不起作用。如果有人能向我解释为什么它会这样,我将不胜感激。

难道是我在 canvas 暴露事件上调用这个函数?

  while(1) {
      XNextEvent(display, &event);

      if (event.xany.window == canvas) {
          if (event.type == Expose) {
              Canvas_Draw(display, canvas, c_values);



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include "Canvas.h"
#include "Extensions.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
   Display* display;
   int screen;
   Window window;
   Window canvas;
   XEvent event;
   GC gc_canvas;

   //Canvas* canvas;

   display = XOpenDisplay(NULL);

   if (display == NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Error trying to open display\n");

   screen = DefaultScreen(display);
   window = XCreateSimpleWindow(display, RootWindow(display, screen), 0, 0, 640, 480, 1, BlackPixel(display, screen), WhitePixel(display, screen));

   XSelectInput(display, window, ExposureMask | KeyPressMask);
   XMapWindow(display, window);

   /*   Create Canvas   */

   XGCValues gcv_canvas;
   CanvasValues c_values;

   gcv_canvas.foreground = 0xff00ff;
   gcv_canvas.background = 0xff00ff;

   canvas = XCreateSimpleWindow(display, window, 0, 0, 256, 256, 1, BlackPixel(display, screen), WhitePixel(display, screen));

   gc_canvas = XCreateGC(display, canvas, GCForeground | GCBackground, &gcv_canvas);

   XSelectInput(display, canvas, ExposureMask | KeyPressMask);
   XMapWindow(display, canvas);

   Canvas_Create_Content_Field(display, canvas, c_values);

   c_values.backcolor = 0x00ff00;

   //Canvas_Draw(display, canvas, c_values); this code only appears to work in the expose event

   /*   Create Canvas   */

   while(1) {
      XNextEvent(display, &event);

      if (event.xany.window == canvas) {
      if (event.type == Expose) {
          Canvas_Draw(display, canvas, c_values);


   return 0;

您没有在外部 y 循环中重置 x。试试这个

while (y < height) {
    x = 0;                  // <<--- insert here
    while (x < width) {
        XDrawPoint(display, canvas, gc_backcolor, x, y);



gcv_backcolor.background = c_values.backcolor;
gcv_backcolor.foreground = c_values.backcolor;


gc_backcolor = XCreateGC(display, canvas, GCBackground | GCForeground, &gcv_backcolor);
XDrawPoint(display, canvas, gc_backcolor, x, y);

为了更好的性能,像XDrawPoint这样的Xlib函数不会立即将命令发送到X服务器,而是将其添加到Xlib请求缓冲区。当以下情况之一发生时,Xlib 会将请求缓冲区的内容发送到 X 服务器:

  • 客户端调用XFlush()刷新请求缓冲区并将其全部发送到服务器。
  • 客户端调用XSync()刷新请求缓冲区并将其全部发送到服务器,然后等待服务器响应它已处理所有请求。
  • 请求缓冲区填满,Xlib 刷新当前内容以为新请求腾出空间。
  • 客户端调用需要服务器响应的函数 - Xlib 刷新所有请求以便能够发送需要响应的请求。
  • 客户端调用事件处理函数,例如XPending(), XNextEvent(), or XWindowEvent(),客户端发现队列中没有事件需要处理,因此刷新缓冲区,让服务器做一些可能会产生事件的事情。

在您的情况下,您不希望将单独数据包中的每个像素发送到 X 服务器的开销,因此您可能希望在 while (y < height) { ... } 之后放置一个 XFlush() 调用然后循环一次发送所有像素。

对不起...它与图形无关,但宽度和高度整数被设置为 0 由于我创建并在创建数据数组的函数中使用的函数中的错误图片:

int width, height;
width = Window_Get_Width(display, canvas);  // Window_Get_Width had some errors and
height = Window_Get_Height(display, canvas);  // Window_Get_Height had the exact same errors

c_values->width = width;
c_values->height = height;

int field[width*height];

c_values->field = field;

我修复了错误,现在一切正常! :D