使用 LinqToTwitter 访问 Twitter 数据时出错

Getting Error Accessing Twitter Data While Using LinqToTwitter

我正在使用此代码从 Twitter 用户的屏幕名称中获取姓名:

    var users =
        (from user in twitterCtx.User
         where user.Type == UserType.Lookup &&
               user.ScreenName == "JoeMayo,LinqToTweeter"
         select user)

    users.ForEach(user => Console.WriteLine("Name: " + user.Name));


System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. —-> System.ArgumentException: Query must contain one of either ScreenNameList or UserIdList parameters, but not both.


你很接近 - 你需要做的就是将 user.ScreenName 替换为 user.ScreenNameList,如下所示:

var users =
    (from user in twitterCtx.User
     where user.Type == UserType.Lookup &&
           user.ScreenNameList == "JoeMayo,LinqToTweeter"
     select user)

users.ForEach(user => Console.WriteLine("Name: " + user.Name));

您可以找到 运行 Demo in the source code. There's documentation available too.