读取目录结构并将其转换为 JSON java 中的对象
reading the directory structure and converting it into JSON object in java
我需要读取文件系统中的目录结构并将其转换为 Json 对象 in java 以便在 [=] 中进一步处理16=]脚本。最合适的处理方式是什么?
假设我们知道层次结构级别,这里是将给定文件结构转换为 JSON 对象的代码。
public static void convert_to_JSON(File node) {
File[] subnode = node.listFiles();
JSONArray ja_root = new JSONArray(); //the node has 2 different directories
JSONArray ja_pattern = new JSONArray();
JSONArray ja_library = new JSONArray();
JSONArray ja_category = new JSONArray();
for (File filename : subnode) {
if ("newfileroot".equals(filename.getName()) || "talendfileroot".equals(filename.getName())) { // String[] libraries;
File[] libraries = filename.listFiles();
for (File lib : libraries) {
File[] categories = lib.listFiles();
for (File cat : categories) {
if (cat.isDirectory()) {
File[] patterns = cat.listFiles();
for (File pat : patterns) {
if (pat.isDirectory()) {
//createjson object here - put cat as key and json array as value
JSONObject jo2 = new JSONObject();
jo2.put(cat.getAbsoluteFile().getName(), ja_pattern);
ja_pattern = new JSONArray();
JSONObject jo3 = new JSONObject();
jo3.put(lib.getAbsoluteFile().getName(), ja_category);
ja_category = new JSONArray();
JSONObject jo4 = new JSONObject();
jo4.put(filename.getAbsoluteFile().getName(), ja_library);
ja_library = new JSONArray();
JSONObject jo5 = new JSONObject();
jo5.put(node.getAbsoluteFile().getName(), ja_root);
try (FileWriter file = new FileWriter("d:\file_structure.json")) {
} catch (IOException e) {
我需要读取文件系统中的目录结构并将其转换为 Json 对象 in java 以便在 [=] 中进一步处理16=]脚本。最合适的处理方式是什么?
我最近想出了一个解决办法,想和大家分享一下。 假设我们知道层次结构级别,这里是将给定文件结构转换为 JSON 对象的代码。
public static void convert_to_JSON(File node) {
File[] subnode = node.listFiles();
JSONArray ja_root = new JSONArray(); //the node has 2 different directories
JSONArray ja_pattern = new JSONArray();
JSONArray ja_library = new JSONArray();
JSONArray ja_category = new JSONArray();
for (File filename : subnode) {
if ("newfileroot".equals(filename.getName()) || "talendfileroot".equals(filename.getName())) { // String[] libraries;
File[] libraries = filename.listFiles();
for (File lib : libraries) {
File[] categories = lib.listFiles();
for (File cat : categories) {
if (cat.isDirectory()) {
File[] patterns = cat.listFiles();
for (File pat : patterns) {
if (pat.isDirectory()) {
//createjson object here - put cat as key and json array as value
JSONObject jo2 = new JSONObject();
jo2.put(cat.getAbsoluteFile().getName(), ja_pattern);
ja_pattern = new JSONArray();
JSONObject jo3 = new JSONObject();
jo3.put(lib.getAbsoluteFile().getName(), ja_category);
ja_category = new JSONArray();
JSONObject jo4 = new JSONObject();
jo4.put(filename.getAbsoluteFile().getName(), ja_library);
ja_library = new JSONArray();
JSONObject jo5 = new JSONObject();
jo5.put(node.getAbsoluteFile().getName(), ja_root);
try (FileWriter file = new FileWriter("d:\file_structure.json")) {
} catch (IOException e) {