为什么 GHCi 没有在此错误消息中显示多态类型?

How come GHCi doesn't display the polymorphic type in this error message?

我将类型为 Num a => a -> a 的变量的类型归因于 Int,这会按预期引发错误。但是,错误并不完全符合我的预期。


λ> let x = typeInference 1
λ> :t x
x :: Num a => a -> a
λ> x :: Int

<interactive>:141:1: error:
    • Couldn't match expected type 'Int'
                  with actual type 'Integer -> Integer'
    • Probable cause: 'x' is applied to too few arguments
      In the expression: x :: Int
      In an equation for 'it': it = x :: Int


typeInference :: Num a => a -> a -> a
typeInference x y = x + y + 1

我以为错误消息会说 with actual type 'Num a => a -> a',这是多态类型,为什么不是呢?这与 GHCi 的默认类型有关吗?

这确实是因为GHCi's type defaulting.

相关规则在 section 4.3.4 of the Haskell 2010 Report 中描述,这部分特别相关:

Each defaultable variable is replaced by the first type in the default list that is an instance of all the ambiguous variable’s classes. It is a static error if no such type is found.


当类型不明确时,类型默认必须发生在类型检查之前。特别是,如果保留类型 class 约束而不是默认约束,则表达式 x :: Int 中的类型将有歧义,如


We say that an expression e has an ambiguous type if, in its type ∀ u'. cx ⇒ t, there is a type variable u in u' that occurs in cx but not in t. Such types are invalid.

(摘自 Haskell 2010 年报告,将 u 替换为带 u' 的上划线)。

因为,如果类型有效,则整个表达式将有一个类型变量(受 Num 约束的变量)不会出现在结果类型 (Int) 中(并且type variable cannot be unified away), defaulting must be occur here before the type checking.


(x :: forall a. Num a => a -> a) :: Int

看起来,在统一期间,如果最外层的类型构造函数不匹配((->)在左侧,Int在右侧),它必须默认,因为它不能自动深入统一(如果右侧的最外层类型构造函数也是 (->))。


ghci> :set -XExplicitForAll
ghci> (x :: forall a. Num a => a -> a) :: Char -> Char  -- Outermost constructor matches, so 'a' can get unified with Char and the 'a' type variable disappears

<interactive>:5:2: error:
    • No instance for (Num Char)
        arising from an expression type signature
    • In the expression:
          (x :: forall a. Num a => a -> a) :: Char -> Char
      In an equation for ‘it’:
          it = (x :: forall a. Num a => a -> a) :: Char -> Char
ghci> (x :: forall a. Num a => a -> a) :: Maybe Char

<interactive>:8:2: error:
    • Couldn't match expected type ‘Maybe Char’
                  with actual type ‘Integer -> Integer’
    • In the expression: (x :: forall a. Num a => a -> a) :: Maybe Char
      In an equation for ‘it’:
          it = (x :: forall a. Num a => a -> a) :: Maybe Char
ghci> (x :: forall a. Num a => a -> a) :: Either Char Bool

<interactive>:10:2: error:
    • Couldn't match expected type ‘Either Char Bool’
                  with actual type ‘Integer -> Integer’
    • In the expression:
          (x :: forall a. Num a => a -> a) :: Either Char Bool
      In an equation for ‘it’:
          it = (x :: forall a. Num a => a -> a) :: Either Char Bool
ghci> (x :: forall a. Num a => (,) a a) :: Either Char Bool

<interactive>:11:2: error:
    • Couldn't match expected type ‘Either Char Bool’
                  with actual type ‘(Integer, Integer)’
    • In the expression:
          (x :: forall a. Num a => (,) a a) :: Either Char Bool
      In an equation for ‘it’:
          it = (x :: forall a. Num a => (,) a a) :: Either Char Bool
ghci> (x :: forall a. Num a => (,) a a) :: Char

<interactive>:12:2: error:
    • Couldn't match expected type ‘Char’
                  with actual type ‘(Integer, Integer)’
    • In the expression: (x :: forall a. Num a => (,) a a) :: Char
      In an equation for ‘it’:
          it = (x :: forall a. Num a => (,) a a) :: Char