如何在 macOS 终端命令行上 upgrade/update makeinfo/texinfo 从版本 4.8 到 4.13?
How to upgrade/update makeinfo/texinfo from version 4.8 to 4.13 on macOSX terminal command line?
我已经安装了makeinfo 4.8。命令行键入 $ makeinfo --version
returns makeinfo (GNU texinfo) 4.8
我想把版本更新到最新的4.13。我找到了相关信息 here and here。我是指挥新手 line/bash/git...请帮助我,非常感谢!
configure: error: You do not seem to have makeinfo >= 4.13, and your
source tree does not seem to have pre-built manuals in the 'info' directory.
Either install a suitable version of makeinfo, or re-run configure
with the '--without-makeinfo' option to build without the manuals.
I've tried
brew install texinfo
and thenbrew ln texinfo --force
and nowmakeinfo --version
showstexi2any (GNU texinfo) 6.3
If you use
to install, make sure you have/usr/local/opt/texinfo/bin
in your path, and it is before/usr/bin
Version 4.8 of this tool on the Mac (10.12.6) is located in/usr/bin/makeinfo
If this path is in front of the latter, then it will not find the latest version installed bybrew