Real Ajax Uploader Error: Cannot write on file

Real Ajax Uploader Error: Cannot write on file

我正在构建一个需要能够上传大型 .wav 文件的站点。我认为上传这些文件的最佳方式是通过 jQuery 插件,该插件可以将数据分块到服务器。我选择 Real Ajax Uploader 来执行此操作。


    url : '/upload.php',
    remotePath: '/remote/path/',
    maxFiles: 1,
    maxFileSize: '250M',

当我有一个涉及 "chunking" 的较大文件时,就会出现问题。由于某种原因,脚本一直给我这个错误:

Cannot write on file.

我已经追踪到 upload.php 文件中的这个位置:

//start of the file upload, first chunk
if ($currByte == 0) {
    $tempFile           = tempnam($this->tempPath, 'axupload');
    $this->tempFileName = basename($tempFile);

// some rare times (on very very fast connection), file_put_contents will be unable to write on the file,
// so we try until it writes for a max of 5 times
$try = 5;
while (file_put_contents($tempFile, $fileChunk, FILE_APPEND) === false && $try > 0) {

//if the above fails then user cannot write file due to permission or other problems
if (!$try) {
   $this->message(-1, 'Cannot write on file.');

我认为这意味着 $tempFile 不可写,所以我添加了这一点:

//start of the file upload, first chunk
if ($currByte == 0) {
    $tempFile           = tempnam($this->tempPath, 'axupload');
    $this->tempFileName = basename($tempFile);

 chmod($tempFile, 0755);


我可以尝试只更改 /tmp 目录的位置并拥有一个更可写的环境,但如果有更简单的解决方案,我宁愿采用它。


首先在目录下上传一个小文件,检查是否上传成功。如果成功,则搜索 php.ini 设置文件并检查以下内容:

php_value upload_max_filesize 10M
php_value post_max_size 10M
php_value max_input_time 300
php_value max_execution_time 300
