clojure - 使用循环并通过惰性序列重复出现

clojure - using loop and recur with a lazy sequence


(letfn [(permutations [s]
               (if (seq (rest s))
                 (apply concat (for [x s]
                                 (map #(cons x %) (permutations (remove #{x} s)))))


(loop [perms (permutations chain)]
       (if (empty? perms)
         (prn "finised")
         (recur (rest perms))))

如果它是热切求值的,我可以使用 loop..recur 来懒惰地循环从 permutations 函数返回的内容吗?


你可以自己试试看。让我们通过添加 println 调用让 permutations 每次 returns 打印一些值。

(defn permutations [s]
   (if (seq (rest s))
     (apply concat (for [x s]
                     (map #(cons x %) (permutations (remove #{x} s)))))
       (println "returning a value")

当使用 loop 时,让我们也打印我们正在使用 (prn (first perms) 循环的值。

(loop [perms (permutations [1 2 3])]
  (if (empty? perms)
    (prn "finised")
      (prn (first perms))
      (recur (rest perms)))))


returning a value
(1 2 3)
returning a value
(1 3 2)
returning a value
(2 1 3)
returning a value
(2 3 1)
returning a value
(3 1 2)
returning a value
(3 2 1)

如您所见,"returning a value" 和值线是交错的。惰性序列的评估可以用 doall 强制执行。如果您遍历 (doall (permutations [1 2 3])),首先它会打印所有 "returning a value" 行,然后才打印值。