
Target machine refused connection

</p> <pre><code>from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim import openpyxl wb = openpyxl.load_workbook('#######.xlsx') ws = wb.active geolocator = Nominatim(timeout=60) for i in range(2,1810): count1 = 0 count2 = 1 address = str(ws['B'+str(i)].value) city = str(ws['C'+str(i)].value) state = str(ws['D'+str(i)].value) zipc = str(ws['F'+str(i)].value) result = None iden1 = address + ' ' + city + ' ' + state iden2 = city + ' ' + zipc + ' ' + state iden3 = city + ' ' + state print(iden1, iden2, iden3) print(geolocator.geocode(iden2).address) try: location1 = geolocator.geocode(iden1) except: pass try: location2 = geolocator.geocode(iden2) except: pass try: location3 = geolocator.geocode(iden3) except: pass count = None try: county1 = str(location1.address) county1_list = county1.split(", ") #print(county1_list) for q in county1_list: if 'county' in q.lower(): if count == None: count = q except: pass try: county2 = str(location2.address) county2_list = county2.split(", ") #print(county2_list) for z in county2_list: if 'county' in z.lower(): if count == None: count = z except: pass try: county3 = str(location3.address) county3_list = county3.split(", ") #print(county3_list) for j in county3_list: if 'county' in j.lower(): if count == None: count = j except: pass print(i, count) #ws['E'+str(i)] = count if count == 50: #wb.save("#####" +str(count2) +".xlsx") count2 += 1 count1 = 0

大家好,这段代码非常简单,使用 geopy 使用 3 种不同的方法名称 iden1、iden2 和 iden3 提取县名,它们是地址、城市、州和邮政编码的组合。这个 运行 大约 300 行没问题,但开始重复同一个县,重新启动脚本后,只是吐出 Nones。我输入行 print (geolocator.geocode(iden2).address) 来查找错误并收到此错误消息。


File "C:/Users/#####/Downloads/Web content/#####/####_county.py", line 19, in print(geolocator.geocode(iden2).address) File "C:\Users#####\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32\lib\site-packages\geopy\geocoders\osm.py", line 193, in geocode self._call_geocoder(url, timeout=timeout), exactly_one File "C:\Users#####\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32\lib\site-packages\geopy\geocoders\base.py", line 171, in _call_geocoder raise GeocoderServiceError(message) geopy.exc.GeocoderServiceError: [WinError 10061] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

此脚本之前可以运行,但现在不能运行。我的 IP 是否被阻止使用 goepy 的数据库或其他东西?感谢您的帮助!

您似乎达到了他们的速率限制。他们似乎要求您将 API 请求限制为 1/秒。您可以查看 here 他们的使用政策,其中列出了使用其 API 的替代方法以及限制条件。