R 中 mean 的对象类型是什么?

what is the object type of mean in R?


> library(pryr)
> otype(mean)
[1] "base"
> ftype(mean)
[1] "s3"      "generic"


ftype 告诉我们什么?

This function figures out whether the input function is a regular/primitive/internal function, a internal/S3/S4 generic, or a S3/S4/RC method. This is function is slightly simplified as it’s possible for a method from one class to be a generic for another class, but that seems like such a bad idea that hopefully no one has done it.

otype 给了我们什么?

Figure out which object system an object belongs to:

• base: no class attribute

• S3: class attribute, but not S4

• S4: isS4, but not RC

• RC: inherits from "refClass"


  1. pryr package documentation

  2. R language objects