尝试使用“连接”按钮为 Azure VM 下载 RDP 文件时访问被拒绝

Access denied when trying to download RDP file for Azure VM using Connect button

单击“连接”按钮为 Azure 门户中的 VM 下载 RDP 文件导致...

Server Error in '/' Application.

Access is denied.

Description: An error occurred while accessing the resources required to serve this request. This may have been caused by an incorrect user name and/or password.

Error message 401.1: Logon credentials were not recognized. Make sure you are providing the correct user name and password. Otherwise, contact the Web server's administrator for help.

追踪这个我想我明白为什么我看到没有信用在任何 header.


请求是 POST 到


这是在 Mac 上使用 Safari。

Safari 似乎无法下载 Azure VM RDP 文件,请尝试使用其他浏览器下载 RDP 文件,例如。 Chrome.