Django django.contrib.gis.db.models.functions.Distance 到 return 值以英尺而不是米为单位

Django django.contrib.gis.db.models.functions.Distance to return values in feet instead of meters


def nearby(self, latitude, longitude, proximity=None):
        """Get nearby Merchants.

        Custom queryset method for getting merchants associated with
        nearby places.

            A queryset of ``Merchant`` objects.

        point = Point(latitude, longitude)

        # we query for location nearby for places first and then
        # annotate with distance to the same place
        return self.filter(
            places__location__distance_lte=(point, D(ft=proximity))
        ).annotate(distance=models.Min(Distance('places__location', point)))


models.Min(Distance('places__location', point))



如果我们看一下 Distance documentation,我们会看到:

Because the distance attribute is a Distance object, you can easily express the value in the units of your choice.


Those two aren't that closely related to each other. Docs do indeed say that it "returns" Distance object, but there is an extra step:

django.contrib.gis.db.models.functions.Distance is a database function, it takes two expressions (that may include database field names) and returns a Func object that can be used as a part of a query.

So simply put, it needs to be executed in a database. It will calculate distance using database function (e.g. postgis ST_Distance) and then bring it back as a django.contrib.gis.measure.Distance object


... .annotate(distance=models.Min(Distance('places__location', point).ft))