LiveData.getValue() returns 空房间

LiveData.getValue() returns null with Room

Java POJO 对象

public class Section {

    public int mSectionId;

    public String mSectionName;

    public int getSectionId() {
        return mSectionId;

    public void setSectionId(int mSectionId) {
        this.mSectionId = mSectionId;

    public String getSectionName() {
        return mSectionName;

    public void setSectionName(String mSectionName) {
        this.mSectionName = mSectionName;


@Query("SELECT * FROM section")
LiveData<List<Section>> getAllSections();


final LiveData<List<Section>> sections = mDb.sectionDAO().getAllSections();

在下一行我正在检查 sections.getValue(),尽管我在数据库中有数据,但它总是给我 null,后来我在 onChanged() 方法中获取值。

sections.observe(this, new Observer<List<Section>>() {
    public void onChanged(@Nullable List<Section> sections){


但是当我从查询中省略 LiveData 时,我得到了预期的数据。 查询方式:

@Query("SELECT * FROM section")
List<Section> getAllSections();


final List<Section> sections = mDb.sectionDAO().getAllSections();

if sections.getValue() is null I have to call api for data and insert in into the database

您可以使用 onChange 方法处理此问题:

sections.observe(this, new Observer<List<Section>>() {
    public void onChanged(@Nullable List<Section> sections){
         if(sections == null || sections.size() == 0) {
             // No data in your database, call your api for data
         } else {
             // One or more items retrieved, no need to call your api for data.

但是您最好将此 Database/Table 初始化逻辑放到存储库 class 中。查看 Google's sample. See DatabaseCreator class.


    private MediatorLiveData<List<Section>> mSectionLive = new MediatorLiveData<>();

    public LiveData<List<Section>> getAllSections() {
        final LiveData<List<Section>> sections = mDb.sectionDAO().getAllSections();

        mSectionLive.addSource(sections, new Observer<List<Section>>() {
            public void onChanged(@Nullable List<Section> sectionList) {
               if(sectionList == null || sectionList.isEmpty()) {
                  // Fetch data from API
        return mSectionLive;


在您的 ViewModel 中 class

private LiveData<List<Section>> mSections;

public LiveData<List<Section>> getAllSections() {

    if (mSections == null) {
        mSections = mDb.sectionDAO().getAllSections();

    return mSections;

这都是必需的。切勿更改 LiveData 的实例。

On the next line I am checking sections.getValue() which is always giving me null although I have data in the DataBase and later I am getting the value in the onChanged() method.

这是正常行为,因为 return LiveData 的查询正在异步工作。那一刻该值为空。


LiveData<List<Section>> getAllSections();


sections.observe(this, new Observer<List<Section>>() {
public void onChanged(@Nullable List<Section> sections){



Room does not allow accessing the database on the main thread unless you called allowMainThreadQueries() on the builder because it might potentially lock the UI for a long periods of time. Asynchronous queries (queries that return LiveData or RxJava Flowable) are exempt from this rule since they asynchronously run the query on a background thread when needed.

LiveData 是一个异步查询,你得到了 LiveData 对象,但它可能不包含任何数据。您可以使用额外的方法来等待数据被填充然后提取数据。

public static <T> T getValue(LiveData<T> liveData) throws InterruptedException {
    final Object[] objects = new Object[1];
    final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);

    Observer observer = new Observer() {
        public void onChanged(@Nullable Object o) {
            objects[0] = o;
    latch.await(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
    return (T) objects[0];

如果您需要在代码中从数据库中同步获取数据,我建议创建另一个没有 LiveData 的查询。


@Query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM section")
int countAllSections();


Integer countAllSections() {
    return new CountAllSectionsTask().execute().get();

private static class CountAllSectionsTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Integer> {

    protected Integer doInBackground(Void... notes) {
        return mDb.sectionDAO().countAllSections();

对于遇到此问题的任何人。如果您正在调用 LiveData.getValue() 并且您始终得到 null。您可能忘记调用 LiveData.observe()。如果您忘记这样做,getValue() 将始终 return null 特别是对于 List<> 数据类型。