如何从 Azure 服务总线队列中读取 xml 文件数据

how to read xml file data from azure service bus queue

我只想读取 XML 我从队列发送到 Azure 服务总线的文件数据。我的密码是

while (client.Peek() != null)
    BrokeredMessage orderOutMsg = client.Receive();

    if (orderOutMsg != null)
        // Deserialize the message body to a pizza order.
        XDocument orderOut = orderOutMsg.GetBody<XDocument>();
        Console.WriteLine("Received order, {0} {1} ", orderOut.Root.Element("Customer").Element("Location_Code").Value, orderOut.Root.Element("Customer").Element("Phone_Number").Value);


GetBody<T> 尝试使用 DataContractSerializer.

将消息反序列化为类型 T

您可能想要的只是读取 string 然后解析为 XML:

var body = orderOutMsg.GetBody<string>();
XDocument orderOut = XDocument.Parse(body);