Python While 循环中的范围错误

Python Range Error in While Loop

我正在尝试编写一个 python 程序,它将接受任何小写字母字符串和 return 其中最长的字母子字符串。下面是一段代码。

s="abc"                                            #sample string
anslist=[]                                         #stores answers
shift=0                                            #shifts substring
expan=0                                            #expands substring
while len(s) >= 1+shift+expan:                     #within bounds of s
    if s[0+shift+expan] > s[1+shift+expan]:        #if not alphabetical
        shift += 1                                 #moves substring over
    else:                                          #if alphabetical
        while s[0+shift+expan] <= s[1+shift+expan]:  #while alphabetical
            expan += 1                               #checks next letter
        anslist += s[0+shift:2+shift+expan]       #adds substring to ans
        expan = 0                                  #resets expansion

当我运行代码时,包含的行 而 s[0+shift+expan] <= s[1+shift+expan]: 创建一个字符串索引超出范围的错误。我看到添加到 expan 会使索引超出范围,但最大的 while 循环不应该解决这个问题吗?我感谢任何帮助。


>>> import re
>>> words = []
>>> word = r'[a]*[b]*[c]*[d]*[e]*[f]*[g]*[h]*[i]*[j]*[k]*[l]*[m]*[n]*[o]*[q]*[r]*[s]*[t]*[u]*[v]*[x]*[y]*[z]*' # regex that would match sub-strings. Just extend it up to z. 
>>> string = "bacde"
>>> for m in re.finditer(word, string):
...         words.append(
>>> print(words) # list of substrings
['b', 'acde']


>>> print(max(words, key=len))


  • 你没有保护你的内部循环免受字符串末尾 运行 的影响
  • 当 "saving" 子串
  • 时你的索引关闭
  • +=anslist,这不是你向列表添加字符串的方式
  • 你不会在处理子字符串后增加 shift,所以当它清除 expan 时,它会从相同的索引开始并永远循环


s="abckdefghacbde"                                 #sample string
anslist=[]                                         #stores answers
shift=0                                            #shifts substring
expan=0                                            #expands substring
while len(s) > 1+shift+expan:                      #within bounds of s
    if s[0+shift+expan] > s[1+shift+expan]:        #if not alphabetical
        shift += 1                                 #moves substring over
    else:                                          #if alphabetical
        # Added guard for end of string
        while len(s) > 1 + shift + expan and       # While still valid
              s[0+shift+expan] <= s[1+shift+expan]:# While alphabetical
            expan += 1                             #checks next letter
        # Fixed string sublength and append instead of +=
        anslist.append(s[0+shift:1+shift+expan])   #adds substring to ans
        # Continue to next possible substring
        shift += expan                             # skip inner substrings
        expan = 0  
print anslist


['abck', 'defgh', 'ac', 'bde']



I see that adding to expan will put the index out of range, but shouldn't the largest while loop solve this?
