project.exe 在 system("pause") 之后触发了一个断点

project.exe has triggered a breakpoint after system("pause")


#include "MyVector.h"
#include <vector>

// Default constructor
    theData = nullptr;
    vecSize = 0;
    vecCap = 0;

// Parameterized constructor
MyVector::MyVector(int vecCap)
    // Set vecSize to 0 and vecCap to user input (driver) plus 1 to account
    // for null terminator
    vecSize = 0;
    this->vecCap = vecCap;
    theData = new int[vecCap];

// Destructor
    // Run the clear() function

// Copies the vector
void MyVector::copy(const MyVector& toCopy)
    // Set size and capacity to toCopy's
    this->vecCap = toCopy.vecCap;
    this->vecSize = toCopy.vecSize;

    // Create a temporary pointer array of ints
    int* tempArray = new int[];

    // Copy data from toCopy to new array
    for (int i = 0; i < toCopy.size(); i++)
        tempArray[i] = toCopy.theData[i];

    // Point theData to the tempArray
    theData = tempArray;

// Clears theData and resets vecCap and vecSize to 0
void MyVector::clear()
    // Check if theData is null
    if (theData != nullptr)
        // Delete theData from heap and set to nullptr
        delete[] theData;
        theData = nullptr;

        // Set vecSize and vecCap to 0
        vecSize = 0;
        vecCap = 0;

// Returns size of the vector
int MyVector::size() const
    return vecSize;

// Returns capacity of the vector
int MyVector::capacity() const
    return vecCap;

// Push input values into vector
void MyVector::push_back(int n)
    // Check if vecSize is too big for vecCap
    if (vecSize >= vecCap)
        // Double vecCap through grow() function

    // Set theData at element vecSize to user input n, increment vecSize
    theData[vecSize] = n;

// Returns index value of vector
int MyVector::at(int vecIdx) const
    // Check if vecIdx is within bounds
    if (vecIdx >= 0 && vecIdx <= vecSize)
        // Return vector index
        return theData[vecIdx];
        // Display out of bounds index
        throw vecIdx;

// Doubles the size of the vector capacity
void MyVector::grow(int curCap)
    // Check if curCap is 0 ro less
    if (curCap <= 0)
        // Set vecCap to CAP_GROWTH -1
        vecCap = CAP_GROWTH - 1;
        // Increase curCap by CAP_GROWTH (doubled)
        vecCap = CAP_GROWTH * curCap;

    // Create new array
    int* newArray = new int[vecCap];

    // Copy data to new array
    for (int idx = 0; idx < vecSize; idx++)
        newArray[idx] = theData[idx];

    // Delete theData
    delete[] theData;

    // Point theData to new array
    theData = newArray;

MyVector& MyVector::operator=(const MyVector& rho)
    // Check if the implicit object's address is the same as rho
    if (this != &rho)
        // Clear the implicit object
        // Copy the 
    return *this;

ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const MyVector& rho)
    for (int idx = 0; idx < rho.size(); idx++)
        // Output index of rho, separated by a space
        out << << " ";
    return out;



void MyVector::copy(const MyVector& x)
    vecCap = x.vecCap;
    vecSize = x.vecSize;
    theData = new int[vecCap];

    for (int i = 0; i < x.size(); i++)
        theData[i] = x.theData[i];


MyVector::MyVector(int c)
    vecSize = 0;
    vecCap = c;
    theData = new int[vecCap];


What is The Rule of Three?

您缺少复制构造函数。您的 copy 函数不是复制构造函数。您应该首先实现一个适当的复制构造函数。

此外,您的 copy 函数存在内存泄漏,因为您从未删除过旧数据。


#include <algorithm>
MyVector::MyVector(const MyVector& toCopy) : vecCap(toCopy.vecCap),
                                             theData(new int[toCopy.capacity()])
    std::copy(toCopy.theData, toCopy.theData + toCopy.size(), theData);       

现在,如果你真的想保留 copy 函数(你真的不需要它,但为了参数你想保留它),你可以使用上面的复制构造函数:

// Copies the vector
void MyVector::copy(const MyVector& toCopy)
    MyVector temp(toCopy);  // calls the copy constructor
    std::swap(temp.vecCap, vecCap);
    std::swap(temp.vecSize, vecSize);
    std::swap(temp.theData, theData);

请注意,我们所做的只是创建一个临时副本,并将临时副本的数据替换为当前数据。当函数 return 与旧数据一起使用时,临时文件消失。

最后,您的赋值运算符可以使用您的 copy 函数编写。

MyVector& MyVector::operator=(const MyVector& rho)
    return *this;

所以从某种意义上说,您的 copy 函数是有目的的,如果唯一的目的是移动一些代码的话。

实际上,即使没有我建议的更改,这也是您应该为赋值运算符编写的代码。所有赋值运算符应该做的就是调用 copy 和 return 当前对象。