在 SQL 查询中连接多个表

joining multiple tables in an SQL query

我正在尝试从我的数据库中的多个 table 中获取 select 信息,这些信息显示多本书和订单的详细信息。

我正在将某本书的 isbn 查询到 5 tables(作者、书作者、书、订单行和书单),以检索有关该书的信息和已为该书下的订单的信息书。

SELECT orderline.isbn, title, ordernumber, orderdate, customername, numcopies, orderline.bookprice, authorname
    FROM author natural join bookauthor  natural join book join orderline natural join bookorder
        WHERE orderline.isbn = book.isbn
        and book.isbn = "1491936169"


ISBN: 1491936169    Title: Kafka: The Definitive Guide: Real-Time Data and Stream Processing at Scale
                    Author: Neha Narkhede, Todd Palino, Gwen Shapira
Order Number  Date       Customer             Copies  Price     Total
N201699998    2016-12-24 Mary Hall                 2   33.99     67.98
N201799999    2017-01-03 Aran Clauson              1   33.99     33.99

然而,有些 isbn 尚未订购,因此不在订单行 table 中,但在书本 table 中,它显示了所有书的 isbn。


ISBN: 0387848576    Title: The Elements of Statistical Learning
                    Author: Jerome Friedman, Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani
No orders

本质上我想要 table 在没有订单的情况下显示 isbn 和 null 值的图书信息。我想这将是某种自然的外部连接,但是我的尝试导致空 tables.


SELECT ordernumber, orderdate, customername, orderline.isbn, title, orderline.numcopies, stock, shipmentbook.numcopies as shipcopies, authorname
FROM author natural join bookauthor natural join book left join bookorder natural join orderline
                ON book.isbn = orderline.isbn 
                left join mousavs.shipmentbook
                ON book.isbn = shipmentbook.isbn
                WHERE stock > orderline.numcopies
                GROUP BY ordernumber
                ORDER BY  orderdate, ordernumber, ISBN

错误代码:1055。SELECT 列表的表达式 #4 不在 GROUP BY 子句中并且包含非聚合列 'mousavs.orderline.isbn',它在功能上不依赖于 GROUP BY 子句[=17= 中的列]

Left join 101...你真的......如果你打算在 RDMS 中工作,你真的需要阅读有关联接的内容。

    book b
    inner join 
        BookAuthor ba on
        ba.isbn = b.isbn
    inner join
        Author a on
        a.authorid = ba.authorid
    left join
        orderline o on
        o.isbn = b.isbn
    left join
        bookorder bo on
        bo.ordernumber = o.ordernumber
    b.isbn = 1491936169