如何在 Angular 等待守卫

How to wait for guards in Angular


{path: '', component: OptionsComponent, canActivate: [ GuardOne, GuardTwo, GuardThree]}

我遇到的问题是在 GuardOne 完成之前我不想 GuardTwo 到 运行。有什么办法可以实现吗?

我认为这在 4.1.3 中是不可能的。 Here 是运行守卫的代码:

  private runCanActivate(future: ActivatedRouteSnapshot): Observable<boolean> {
    const canActivate = future._routeConfig ? future._routeConfig.canActivate : null;
    if (!canActivate || canActivate.length === 0) return of (true);
    const obs = map.call(from(canActivate), (c: any) => {
      const guard = this.getToken(c, future);
      let observable: Observable<boolean>;
      if (guard.canActivate) {
        observable = wrapIntoObservable(guard.canActivate(future, this.future));
      } else {
        observable = wrapIntoObservable(guard(future, this.future));
      return first.call(observable);
    return andObservables(obs);


// array of all guards
     observable = guard.canActivate()


一个可能的解决方案是拥有一个实现 CanActivate 并结合其他守卫的服务:

class Combined {
  constructor(private gA: GuardA, private gB: GuardB) {}

  canActivate(r, s) {
        return gA.canActivate(r, s).then(()=>{ return gB.canActivate() });

{path: '', component: OptionsComponent, canActivate: [ Combined ]}