
Get rates for all services in one request


是否可以在同一请求中获取所有可能的 ups 服务的费率?


尽管 UPS 费率文档指出 service 元素是可选的

具有 service 元素定义的请求成功响应,而没有定义元素的请求导致以下错误:

array(3) {
  string(4) "Hard"
  string(6) "111100"
  string(58) "The requested service is invalid from the selected origin."

此外,我见过的每个示例和库要么只希望为一种类型的服务创建请求,要么 creates a request for each service the user specifies they want to receive:

// optional, you can specify which rates to look for -- performs multiple requests, so be careful not to do too many


有没有办法 return 为我缺少的所有 UPS 服务定价,或者我们必须向 UPS 查询我们希望获得费率的每项服务?

您应该能够通过将 /RateRequest/Request/RequestOption 设置为 Shop 并省略 /RateRequest/Shipment/Service 元素来接收多项服务的费率。

UPS 的 Rate Webservice 端点文档对此进行了概述:

Can a customer compare services for a shipment using the Rating API?

Yes. Use the “Shop” value, instead of the “Rate” value, in the RequestOption element of the ../Request container to retrieve the rates for all services for the stated lane pair. The API response will return a rate for each of the available services. This is known as the Shop option.