为什么在 pivot 内部使用 sum 和 pivot 以及 left join 时使用 with rollup 会给我不同的结果?

Why does using with rollup give me different results when inside pivot are using sum and pivot and left join?

我有 3 张桌子这里的位置 http://rextester.com/PED43367



enter image description here

结果还可以,但是我不能用那个做汇总 感谢您的帮助

您应该阅读 mysql 执行顺序(MySQL query / clause execution order) and https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/group-by-handling.html 特别注意 "If ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY is disabled, a MySQL extension to the standard SQL use of GROUP BY permits the select list, HAVING condition, or ORDER BY list to refer to nonaggregated columns even if the columns are not functionally dependent on GROUP BY columns. This causes MySQL to accept the preceding query. In this case, the server is free to choose any value from each group, so unless they are the same, the values chosen are indeterminate, which is probably not what you want."

简而言之,首先执行您的 from 和 join,group by 不可靠,汇总会增加问题。

我将通过 pivot 分开分组,然后使用分组依据 "properly"

select m.codes,m.version,sum(m.headcount) headount,sum(m.reghrs) reghrs, sum(m.hrsbdgt) hrsbudget,
       sum(w.workhrs) workhours, sum(w.reghrs) wreghrs, 
        sum(d1) '02-04-2017',
        sum(d2) '09-04-2017',
        sum(d3) '16-04-2017',
        sum(d4) '23-04-2017',
        sum(d5) '30-04-2017',
        sum(p.hours) as Total,
        SUM(p.hours) - sum(m.HrsBdgt) RsltBdgt

from   mtarget m
left join
select CODEPivot,categoryPivot ,  

    SUM(IF(pivot.selesai = '2017-04-02',pivot.hours,0)) d1,
        SUM(IF(pivot.selesai = '2017-04-09',pivot.hours,0)) d2,
        SUM(IF(pivot.selesai = '2017-04-16',pivot.hours,0)) d3,
        SUM(IF(pivot.selesai = '2017-04-23',pivot.hours,0)) d4,
        SUM(IF(pivot.selesai = '2017-04-30',pivot.hours,0)) d5,
        sum(pivot.hours) hours
from pivot
group by CODEPivot,categoryPivot
) p on 
    m.codeS = p.CODEPivot 
    and m.version = p.categoryPivot
left join whweek w on
    w.Code = p.CODEPivot
    and w.version = p.CategoryPivot 
group by codes,version with rollup

| codes | version | headount | reghrs | hrsbudget | workhours | wreghrs | 02-04-2017 | 09-04-2017 | 16-04-2017 | 23-04-2017 | 30-04-2017 | Total | RsltBdgt |
| FII   | YAA     |        3 |    432 |        35 |       144 |     432 |         28 |         28 |         14 |         24 |         41 |   135 |      100 |
| FII   | NULL    |        3 |    432 |        35 |       144 |     432 |         28 |         28 |         14 |         24 |         41 |   135 |      100 |
| IDS   | YAA     |        3 |    432 |        35 |       144 |     432 |          8 |          0 |          0 |          0 |          0 |     8 |      -27 |
| IDS   | NULL    |        3 |    432 |        35 |       144 |     432 |          8 |          0 |          0 |          0 |          0 |     8 |      -27 |
| RRT   | BKK     |        1 |    144 |        12 |       144 |     144 |          8 |          3 |         16 |         15 |         32 |    74 |       62 |
| RRT   | WESEL   |        1 |    144 |        12 |       144 |     144 |          0 |         14 |          7 |          2 |          0 |    23 |       11 |
| RRT   | YAA     |        9 |   1296 |       104 |       144 |    1296 |         67 |         98 |        135 |        103 |        119 |   522 |      418 |
| RRT   | NULL    |       11 |   1584 |       128 |       432 |    1584 |         75 |        115 |        158 |        120 |        151 |   619 |      491 |
| NULL  | NULL    |       17 |   2448 |       198 |       720 |    2448 |        111 |        143 |        172 |        144 |        192 |   762 |      564 |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)