GMS 11.0.0 之后如何 select TurnBaseMatches 的对手?

How to select opponents for TurnBaseMatches after GMS 11.0.0?

getSelectOpponentsIntent(...) was a method games could call to get an opponent selection UI. The output of this was a list of selected Player IDs that you could feed into TurnBasedMatchConfig 创建匹配项。

version 11.0.0 of Google Play Services. The deprecation notice doesn't list a replacement and only says vague things about G+ integration going away. Play Games switched to "Gamer IDs" awhile back(不使用 G+)起,此方法(及其实时多人对应方法)的所有重载均已弃用。

UI select 对手将停止显示 G+ friends/circles 是有道理的...但是用户应该如何 select 玩家 ID 对手如果唯一的 UI 这样做被弃用了?玩家不知道他们或其他任何人的玩家 ID(这是一个很长的随机数)。如果没有此 UI 或将玩家 ID 解析为玩家 ID 的服务...似乎玩家唯一能做的就是自动匹配随机对手并重新匹配已经创建的游戏。

TurnBasedMultiplayer(class)已弃用。它的替代品 (TurnBasedMultiplayerClient) 有一个 similar method 未弃用。