Vagrant - npm 安装不起作用

Vagrant - npm install doesn't work

在 Vagrant 中 运行 npm install 遇到了麻烦。收到这条消息。我已经在根目录中安装了模块(在我开始 vagrant ssh 之前)但是我需要它在 vagrant ssh

Last login: Sun Jun 11 09:25:02 2017 from
vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:~$ npm install
The program 'npm' is currently not installed. To run 'npm' please ask your administrator to install the package 'npm'
vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:~$ cd /vagrant
vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:/vagrant$ npm install
The program 'npm' is currently not installed. To run 'npm' please ask your administrator to install the package 'npm'

您需要安装 nodenpm

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install nodejs npm