运行 bazel build with aspect on test targets does not yield test output jars

Running bazel build with an aspect on test targets does not yield test output jars

运行 bazel build //... \ --aspects some-aspect.bzl%some_aspect \ --output_groups=some_new_output,default 不创建测试 jars 输出。

另一方面 运行 bazel test 确实创建了测试 jar 输出:

bazel test //... \ --aspects some-aspect.bzl%some_aspect \ --output_groups=some_new_output,default


此问题已更新以反映方面的使用: 原题:

running bazel build //... does not add test code to output jar.

on the other hand bazel test //... builds the test code but also runs it.

Is there a way in bazel to build the test code without running the tests?

您可能正在寻找 --build_tests_only

我给 --output_groups 标志的值有误。




这个标志根本没有记录。在 bazel github 仓库中有一个 open issue