Tkinter 绑定不调用函数
Tkinter bind does not call funtion
我正在尝试更改 tkinter 条目小部件中的文本,使其成为用户输入的组合键(例如:ShiftL+ShiftR),python 程序 运行 没问题,但不更改条目,为什么以及如何修复它?
# Program by Fares Al Ghazy started 20/5/2017
# Python script to assign key combinations to bash commands, should run in the background at startup
# Since this program is meant to release bash code, it is obviously non-system agnostic and only works linux systems that use BASH
# This is one file which only creates the GUI, another file is needed to use the info taken by this program
FileName = 'BinderData.txt'
import tkinter as tk
from ComboDetect import ComboDetector
# Create a class to get pressed keys and print them
KeyManager = ComboDetector()
# Class that creates GUI and takes info to save in file
class MainFrame(tk.Tk):
# variable to store pressed keys
KeyCombination = ""
def KeysPressed(self, Entry, KeyCombination):
KeyCombination = KeyManager.getpressedkeys()
Entry.delete(0, tk.END)
Entry.insert(0, KeyCombination)
# constructor
def __init__(self, FileName, **kwargs):
tk.Tk.__init__(self, **kwargs)
# create GUI to take in key combinations and bash codes, then save them in file
root = self # create new window
root.wm_title("Key binder") # set title
# create labels and text boxes
KeyComboLabel = tk.Label(root, text="Key combination = ")
KeyComboEntry = tk.Entry(root)
# Bind function to entry
KeyComboEntry.bind('<FocusIn>',self.KeysPressed(KeyComboEntry, self.KeyCombination))
KeyComboEntry.grid(row=0, column=1)
ActionEntry.grid(row=1, column=1)
# create save button
SaveButton = tk.Button(root, text="save",
command=lambda: self.SaveFunction(KeyComboEntry, ActionEntry, FileName))
SaveButton.grid(row=2, column=2, sticky=tk.E)
app = MainFrame(FileName)
和 ComboDetect:
#this program was created by LadonAl (Alaa Youssef) in 25.May.17
#it detects a combination of pressed key and stores them in a list and prints the list when at least
# one of the keys is released
import time
import pyxhook
class ComboDetector(object):
def getpressedkeys(self):
return self.combo
def KeysPressed(self, Entry, KeyCombination):
Entry.insert(tk.END, "Test")
KeyCombination = KeyManager.getpressedkeys()
Entry.delete(0, tk.END)
Entry.insert(tk.END, KeyCombination)
当模块是 运行 时,"test" 被打印到控制台,没有其他事情发生。
问题是,当您尝试绑定到 KeyComboEntry
时,您正在调用过程 KeysPressed
,而不是将 bind
传递给 KeyComboEntry
的方法,您可以使用 KeyComboEntry.bind("<Key>", self.KeysPressed, KeyComboEntry, self.KeyCombination)
来解决这个问题。然后,Bind 将使用 KeyComboEntry
和 self.KeyCombination
的参数调用 KeysPressed
。另一种选择是使用 lambda
函数,就像您在 SaveButton
中使用的那样,考虑 bind
我正在尝试更改 tkinter 条目小部件中的文本,使其成为用户输入的组合键(例如:ShiftL+ShiftR),python 程序 运行 没问题,但不更改条目,为什么以及如何修复它? 我的图形用户界面:
# Program by Fares Al Ghazy started 20/5/2017
# Python script to assign key combinations to bash commands, should run in the background at startup
# Since this program is meant to release bash code, it is obviously non-system agnostic and only works linux systems that use BASH
# This is one file which only creates the GUI, another file is needed to use the info taken by this program
FileName = 'BinderData.txt'
import tkinter as tk
from ComboDetect import ComboDetector
# Create a class to get pressed keys and print them
KeyManager = ComboDetector()
# Class that creates GUI and takes info to save in file
class MainFrame(tk.Tk):
# variable to store pressed keys
KeyCombination = ""
def KeysPressed(self, Entry, KeyCombination):
KeyCombination = KeyManager.getpressedkeys()
Entry.delete(0, tk.END)
Entry.insert(0, KeyCombination)
# constructor
def __init__(self, FileName, **kwargs):
tk.Tk.__init__(self, **kwargs)
# create GUI to take in key combinations and bash codes, then save them in file
root = self # create new window
root.wm_title("Key binder") # set title
# create labels and text boxes
KeyComboLabel = tk.Label(root, text="Key combination = ")
KeyComboEntry = tk.Entry(root)
# Bind function to entry
KeyComboEntry.bind('<FocusIn>',self.KeysPressed(KeyComboEntry, self.KeyCombination))
KeyComboEntry.grid(row=0, column=1)
ActionEntry.grid(row=1, column=1)
# create save button
SaveButton = tk.Button(root, text="save",
command=lambda: self.SaveFunction(KeyComboEntry, ActionEntry, FileName))
SaveButton.grid(row=2, column=2, sticky=tk.E)
app = MainFrame(FileName)
和 ComboDetect:
#this program was created by LadonAl (Alaa Youssef) in 25.May.17
#it detects a combination of pressed key and stores them in a list and prints the list when at least
# one of the keys is released
import time
import pyxhook
class ComboDetector(object):
def getpressedkeys(self):
return self.combo
def KeysPressed(self, Entry, KeyCombination):
Entry.insert(tk.END, "Test")
KeyCombination = KeyManager.getpressedkeys()
Entry.delete(0, tk.END)
Entry.insert(tk.END, KeyCombination)
这是我注意到的: 当模块是 运行 时,"test" 被打印到控制台,没有其他事情发生。 当我尝试在条目小部件外部单击并再次在其中单击(退出焦点并重新输入)时,没有任何反应
问题是,当您尝试绑定到 KeyComboEntry
时,您正在调用过程 KeysPressed
,而不是将 bind
传递给 KeyComboEntry
的方法,您可以使用 KeyComboEntry.bind("<Key>", self.KeysPressed, KeyComboEntry, self.KeyCombination)
来解决这个问题。然后,Bind 将使用 KeyComboEntry
和 self.KeyCombination
的参数调用 KeysPressed
。另一种选择是使用 lambda
函数,就像您在 SaveButton
中使用的那样,考虑 bind