我怎样才能在 Perl 6 中重新祝福一个对象?

How can I rebless an object in Perl 6?

另一个问题可能是 "How do I inherit from builtin types?"。


首先,当我想进一步限制它时,我可以创建一个类型的子集。我用 MyInt 来做到这一点,它接受任何 Int。我通过 MyInt 声明了一个变量并分配给它,但是当我检查它的名称时,我得到的是 Int 。那么,这是怎么回事?

subset MyInt where * ~~ Int;

my MyInt $b = 137;
put 'Name: ', $b.^name;  # Int, but why not MyInt?

但是,我真正想要的是一个名为 MyInt 的 class 来做同样的事情。我可能想将方法添加到

class MyInt is Int {}   # empty subclass

my MyInt $b = 137;
put 'Name: ', $b.^name;


Type check failed in assignment to $b; expected MyInt but got Int (137)

我明白它在说什么,但不明白为什么我在使用 subset 时没有得到同样的错误。这是问题 1.5.

我真正想要的是 137 的赋值在我赋值时自动将其自身变成 MyInt。我知道我可以显式构造它,但是有点烦人的是父 class 仍然将它变成 Int 而不是使用更派生类型的类型:

class MyInt is Int {}   # empty subclass

my MyInt $b = MyInt.new: 137;  # Still an Int
put 'Name: ', $b.^name;

我可以覆盖 new(直接取自 Int.pm),但我不知道如何更改类型:

class MyInt is Int {
    method new ( $value --> MyInt ) {
        my $v = callsame; # let superclass construct it
        # But, how do I make it the more specific type?

my MyInt $b = MyInt.new: 137;  # Still an Int
put 'Name: ', $b.^name;

我可以 bless 自己,但这并没有保留价值(我不认为它会也不应该。看着 Int.pm,我可以'看不到它是如何存储值的。看起来它依赖于内置类型,并且传统上可能不是 subclassable:

class MyInt is Int {
    method new ( $value --> MyInt ) {
        my $v = callsame; # let superclass construct it
        put "v is $v";
        # But, how do I make it the more specific type?
        # $v.bless (doesn't change the type, fails return type check)
        self.bless;  # doesn't retain value

my MyInt $b = MyInt.new: 137;  # Still an Int
put 'Name: ', $b.^name;
put 'Value: ', $b;  # 0

有一个 rebless,但这不是 IntClassHow 可用的链的一部分:

class MyInt is Int {
    method new ( $value --> MyInt ) {
        my $v = callsame; # let superclass construct it
        put "v is $v";
        put "self is " ~ self.^name;
        put "HOW is " ~ self.HOW.^name;
        # No such method 'rebless' for invocant
        # $v.rebless: self.^name;
        $v.HOW.rebless: self.^name;

my MyInt $b = MyInt.new: 137;  # Still an Int
put 'Name: ', $b.^name;
put 'Value: ', $b;  # 0


class MyInt is Int { };
my $x = 42;
Metamodel::Primitives.rebless: $x, MyInt;
dd $x;


MyInt $x = 42

