将隐式解析与类型 lambda 混合

Mixing Implicit resolution with type lambdas

我知道这道题是深度类型编程,我的失败是因为缺乏知识。但我至少想知道如何编译这个。我需要编译器确定我的 tuple2 在上下文中可以是 Higher-Kinded 类型。

trait Extract[T[_],A]{
  def extract(t: T[A]): A

object Extract{
  type T2[B] = {type l[X] = (X,B)}
  implicit def forTuple2[A,B] = new Extract[T2[B]#l,A] {

    override def extract(t: (A, B)): A = t._1

def method[T[_],A](a: T[A])(implicit extractor: Extract[T,A]): A = extractor.extract(a)
method[Extract.T2[String]#l,Int]((1,"hi")) //this works but is useless. 
//the whole point is to get the compiler to do the heavy lifting And in 
//this case it means inferring that a tuple2 of (X,whatever) is a T[X] for the context

任何尽可能接近我的目标的东西都会受到赞赏。我也知道 shapeless 有一个专门用于这些东西的库。但让我们假设不存在 shapeless 来解决我的问题。

编译器无法知道你想要type T[X] = Tuple2[X, A]还是T[X] = Tuple2[X, A],所以它甚至在查看隐式参数之前就放弃了。你在隐含的正确轨道上,除了在这种情况下你甚至不需要通过类型 lambda(你不会将 Tuple2[_, A] 视为 T[A]):

def method[X, A](x: X)(implicit ev: Open[X, A]): A =

Open 指定要使用 Tuple2 的哪个洞:

trait Open[X, Out] {
  def open(x: X): Out

object Open {
  implicit def firsthole[A, B] = new Open[Tuple2[A, B], A] {
    def open(x: Tuple2[A, B]) = x._1

I know this question is deep type level programming
