Firebase phone 身份验证需要什么样的用户同意?

What kind of user consent is necessary for Firebase phone authentication?

firebase phone 授权文档指出:

Phone numbers that end users provide for authentication will be sent 
and stored by Google to improve our spam and abuse prevention across 
Google services, including but not limited to Firebase. Developers 
should ensure they have appropriate end-user consent prior to using the 
Firebase Authentication phone number sign-in service. 

我相信在询问用户的 phone 号码时我将不得不显示某种披露信息,但我不太确定它应该说什么。谁能举个例子?我曾经使用过 Digits/Fabric,它在 phone 号码收集屏幕上有一堆指向各种隐私政策和 ToS 的链接,但现在他们已经加入了 Firebase,我有点困惑关于什么是必要的。

firebaser 在这里

FirebaseUI-web 在发送 SMS 之前显示以下内容:

By tapping Verify, an SMS may be sent. Message & data rates may apply."


By tapping Continue you are indicating that you agree to the <a href="tos">Terms of Service</a>

其中 tos link 是您作为开发人员提供的。它保留确切内容对您开放的原因是它部分取决于您的应用程序所在的管辖区。

我们所能做的就是告诉您我们将 phone 号码用于:

Phone numbers provided for authentication will be sent and stored by Google to improve our spam and abuse prevention across Google services, including but not limited to Firebase.