FragmentTransaction 不会在 Kotlin Android 项目中编译

FragmentTransaction won't Compile in Kotlin Android Project


None of the following functions can be called with the arguments supplied. add(Fragment!, String!) defined in add(Int, Fragment!) defined in

在这两种情况下,Fragment! 文本都以红色突出显示。我知道 Kotlin 指的是带有 ! 的 Java classes,但我似乎无法理解为什么它对我提供输入的方式不满意。


    fun displayEditRoutine(){

    //Set our variables
    var ft = fragmentManager.beginTransaction()

    //Basic "newInstance" constructor to avoid omitting necessary variables
    var frag = EditRoutine.newInstance(mRoutineID,this)

    //Here is where error occurs
    ft.add(, frag).commit()


正在引用的 EditRoutine class:

class EditRoutine : Fragment() {

private var mRoutineID: String? = null
private var mListener: OnEditRoutineFragmentListener? = null

@BindView( internal var vRoutine: TextInputEditText? = null

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    if (arguments != null) {
        mRoutineID = arguments.getString(Keys.b_RoutineID)

override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?,
                          savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View? {
    val v = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_edit_routine, container, false)
    return v

// TODO: Rename method, update argument and hook method into UI event
fun onButtonPressed(): Unit{
    if (mListener != null && vRoutine!!.text.toString() != "") {
        val contentValues = ContentValues()
        contentValues.put(Routine.Table.KEY_NAME, vRoutine!!.text.toString())

        //Pass the values into the interface

override fun onAttach(context: Context) {
    if (context is OnEditRoutineFragmentListener) {
        mListener = context
    } else {
        throw RuntimeException(context.toString() + " must implement OnEditRoutineFragmentListener")

override fun onDetach() {
    mListener = null

//Internal Methods

interface OnEditRoutineFragmentListener {
    // TODO: Update argument type and name
    fun onDoneClicked(cv: ContentValues)


companion object {

     * @param routineID = passed ID. If null, don't load content values
     * *
     * @return A new instance of fragment EditRoutine.
    fun newInstance(routineID: String, ctx: Context): EditRoutine {
        val fragment = EditRoutine()
        val args = Bundle()
        args.putString(Keys.b_RoutineID, routineID)
        fragment.arguments = args
        return fragment

试试这个: ft.add(, frag as Fragment).commit()

JvmStatic : 此注释是必需的 (documentation)


 * @param routineID = passed ID. If null, don't load content values
 * *
 * @return A new instance of fragment EditRoutine.

fun newInstance(routineID: String, ctx: Context): EditRoutine {
    val fragment = EditRoutine()
    val args = Bundle()
    args.putString(Keys.b_RoutineID, routineID)
    fragment.arguments = args
    return fragment


将片段转换为 Fragment 的答案对我没有帮助,它仍然无法编译。

所以我使用了 BladeCoder 的建议并将 fragmentManager 替换为 supportFragmentManager:

fun displayEditRoutine(){

    //Set our variables
    var ft = supportFragmentManager.beginTransaction()

    //Basic "newInstance" constructor to avoid omitting necessary variables
    var frag = EditRoutine.newInstance(mRoutineID,this)

    //Here is where error occurs
    ft.add(, frag).commit()

