如何更改 FLURL 客户端的 HTTP 请求内容类型?

How to change the HTTP Request Content Type for FLURL Client?

我正在使用 flurl 提交 HTTP 请求,这非常有用。现在我需要将某些请求的“Content-Type” header 更改为 "application/json;odata=verbose"

    public async Task<Job> AddJob()

        var flurlClient = GetBaseUrlForGetOperations("Jobs").WithHeader("Content-Type", "application/json;odata=verbose");
        return await flurlClient.PostJsonAsync(new
            //Some parameters here which are not the problem since tested with Postman


    private IFlurlClient GetBaseUrlForOperations(string resource)
        var url = _azureApiUrl
            .WithHeader("x-ms-version", "2.11")
            .WithHeader("Accept", "application/json");
        return url;

你可以看到我是如何尝试添加上面的 header (.WithHeader("Content-Type", "application/json;odata=verbose"))


"InvalidOperationException: Misused header name. Make sure request headers are used with HttpRequestMessage, response headers with HttpResponseMessage, and content headers with HttpContent objects."


我不是 OData 专家,我不知道 API 你叫什么(SharePoint?),但根据我见过的大多数例子,你通常想要做的是要求服务器在响应中发送详细的 OData,而不是声明您在请求中发送它。换句话说,您想在 Accept header 上设置 ;odata=verbose 位,而不是 Content-Type . application/json 对 Content-Type 应该足够好了,Flurl 会自动为您设置,所以只需尝试这个更改,看看它是否有效:

.WithHeader("Accept", "application/json;odata=verbose");

评论和我发现的另一个 post(当我再次找到它时会添加参考)为我指明了正确的方向。 我的问题的解决方案如下:

        var jobInJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(job);
        var json = new StringContent(jobInJson, Encoding.UTF8);
        json.Headers.ContentType = MediaTypeHeaderValue.Parse("application/json; odata=verbose");

        var flurClient = GetBaseUrlForOperations("Jobs");

        return await flurClient.PostAsync(json).ReceiveJson<Job>();

编辑:找到相关的 SO 问题:

这个答案已经过时了。升级到 latest version(2.0 或更高版本),问题就消失了。

原来 real issueSystem.Net.Http API 验证 headers 的方式有关。它区分了 request-level headers 和 content-level headers,我一直觉得这有点奇怪,因为原始 HTTP 没有这样的区分(除了可能在多部分场景中) . Flurl 的 WithHeader 将 headers 添加到 HttpRequestMessage object 但未通过 Content-Type 的验证,它希望将其添加到 HttpContent object.

这些 API 确实允许您跳过验证,虽然 Flurl 不直接公开它,但您可以很容易地进入幕后,而不会破坏流畅的链条:

return await GetBaseUrlForGetOperations("Jobs")
    .ConfigureHttpClient(c => c.DefaultRequestHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation("Content-Type", "application/json;odata=verbose"))
    .PostJsonAsync(new { ... })

这可能是做你需要做的事情的最好方法,并且仍然利用 Flurl 的优点,即不必直接处理序列化、HttpContent objects 等

基于这个问题,我强烈考虑更改 Flurl 的 AddHeader(s) 实现以使用 TryAddWithoutValidation

public static class Utils
    public static IFlurlClient GetBaseUrlForOperations(string resource)
        var _apiUrl = "https://api.mobile.azure.com/v0.1/apps/";

        var url = _apiUrl
            .WithHeader("Accept", "application/json")
            .WithHeader("X-API-Token", "myapitocken");

            return url;

    public static async Task Invia()
        FlurlClient _client;
        PushMessage pushMessage = new PushMessage();
        pushMessage.notification_content = new NotificationContent();

            var flurClient = Utils.GetBaseUrlForOperations("risorsa");
            // News news = (News)contentService.GetById(node.Id);
            //pushMessage.notification_target.type = "";
            pushMessage.notification_content.name = "A2";
            // pushMessage.notification_content.title = node.GetValue("TitoloNews").ToString();
            pushMessage.notification_content.title = "Titolo";
            pushMessage.notification_content.body = "Contenuto";
            var jobInJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(pushMessage);
            var json = new StringContent(jobInJson, Encoding.UTF8);
            json.Headers.ContentType = MediaTypeHeaderValue.Parse("application/json");
            dynamic data2 = await flurClient.PostAsync(json).ReceiveJson();
            var expandoDic = (IDictionary<string, object>)data2;
            var name = expandoDic["notification_id"];
        catch (FlurlHttpTimeoutException ex)
            Console.WriteLine(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType + " " + ex);
        catch (FlurlHttpException ex)
            Console.WriteLine(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType + " " + ex);
            if (ex.Call.Response != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Failed with response code " + ex.Call.Response.StatusCode);
                Console.WriteLine("Totally failed before getting a response! " + ex.Message);
        catch (Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType + " " + ex);

public class NotificationTarget
    public string type { get; set; }

public class CustomData {}

public class NotificationContent
    public string name { get; set; }
    public string title { get; set; }
    public string body { get; set; }
    public CustomData custom_data { get; set; }

public class PushMessage
    public NotificationTarget notification_target { get; set; }
    public NotificationContent notification_content { get; set; }

我可以 post 对同一个问题给出 3 个答案吗? :)

Upgrade. Flurl.Http 2.0 包括以下对 headers 的增强:

  1. WithHeader(s) 现在在后台使用 TryAddWithoutValidation。仅通过该更改,OP 的代码将按最初 posted.

  2. 工作
  3. Headers现在设置在请求级别,解决了another known issue.

  4. 当使用 SetHeaders 和 object 符号时,header 名称中的 underscores in property names will be converted to hyphens,因为 header 中的连字符非常C# 标识符中不允许使用下划线和连字符。


.WithHeaders(new {
    x_ms_version = "2.11",
    Accept = "application/json"