移动或添加 Asp 身份 2 或使用其他帐户管理系统
Moving or adding Asp Identity 2 or using another account management system
我想在我的项目的 DAL 中添加一个用户帐户管理系统。我可以将 Asp Identity 2 作为软件包安装或添加到它吗?还是我应该创建自己的量身定制的帐户管理系统?
是的,您可以安装 ASP.Net Identity 2 您的 DAL 系统。您必须安装 nuget 中可用的 these and these packages to your project. There is also a samples 项目(将其安装到一个空的 ASP.Net 项目。
看看this post to learn how to implement ASP.Net identity 2. Obviously you can customize almost all aspects (such as creating custom provides etc) of ASP.Net identity 2 to fit your needs. Here is a good start for customizing your implementation
我想在我的项目的 DAL 中添加一个用户帐户管理系统。我可以将 Asp Identity 2 作为软件包安装或添加到它吗?还是我应该创建自己的量身定制的帐户管理系统?
是的,您可以安装 ASP.Net Identity 2 您的 DAL 系统。您必须安装 nuget 中可用的 these and these packages to your project. There is also a samples 项目(将其安装到一个空的 ASP.Net 项目。
看看this post to learn how to implement ASP.Net identity 2. Obviously you can customize almost all aspects (such as creating custom provides etc) of ASP.Net identity 2 to fit your needs. Here is a good start for customizing your implementation