亚马逊 MWS 推送通知

Amazon MWS Push Notifications




我想,如果可能的话,我需要一个 MWS 和一个 AWS 账户。

在 MWS ( 的文档中,有:

The Amazon MWS push notifications enable you to receive information that is relevant to your business with Amazon without having to poll the Amazon MWS service. Instead, the information is sent directly to you when an event occurs to which you are subscribed. For more information about how to subscribe to receive notifications, see Subscriptions Overview in the Amazon MWS Subscriptions API section reference.

然后,在 'Subscriptions API' 部分:

The Amazon MWS Subscriptions API section enables you to subscribe to receive notifications that are relevant to your business with Amazon. With the operations in the Subscriptions API section, you can register to receive important information from Amazon without having to poll the Amazon MWS service. Instead, the information is sent directly to you when an event occurs to which you are subscribed.

To receive notifications, you must first create and register a Destination, such as an Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) queue. Then, you create a Subscription for the NotificationType that you want to receive, such as a notification when another Seller has changed their offer for an item that you also sell. Finally, verify that Amazon is able to send notifications to your Destination by calling the SendTestNotificationToDestination operation.

暂时没有。唯一的通知选项是 AnyOfferChangedNotification, which sends an SQS message when any one of the top 20 offers for an ASIN changes, and FulfillmentOrderStatusNotification, which notifies you if there is a multi channel order status chance, and FeePromotionNotification

自从几年前我开始使用 AnyOfferChangedNotification 以来,这一直没有改变。

一个想法是创建一个使用 Orders API 定期检查订单的应用程序,然后您可以让该应用程序创建 SQS 消息(或完全使用其他服务)。然后这会通知您有新订单。