Android O地理围栏触发延迟

Android O Geofence Trigger Delay

我有一个使用地理围栏的导航应用程序(Creating and Monitoring Geofences)。

Google 说 (Background Location Limits):

The average responsiveness for a geofencing event is every couple of minutes or so.

在以前的 Android 版本中没有延迟。但是在 Android O 上,应用程序在离开地理围栏后显示约 4-5 分钟的延迟(大约 50% 的情况)。在 ODP2



Google 向 Create and monitor geofences 文档添加了新段落

Alerts can be late. The geofence service doesn't continuously query for location, so expect some latency when receiving alerts. Usually the latency is less than 2 minutes, even less when the device has been moving. If Background Location Limits are in effect, the latency is about 2-3 minutes on average. If the device has been stationary for a significant period of time, the latency may increase (up to 6 minutes).