在 GHCi 中,':module' 和 'import' 有什么区别?

In GHCi, what is the difference between ':module' and 'import'?

在 GHCi 中,似乎有两种方法可以包含已安装的模块:

Prelude> :module Database.HDBC
Prelude Database.HDBC>

Prelude> import Database.HDBC
Prelude Database.HDBC>


我一直使用 import,现在我注意到 :module 用于 Real World Haskell's databases chapter

来自GHCi docs

The :module command provides a way to do two things that cannot be done with ordinary import declarations:

  • :module supports the * modifier on modules, which opens the full top-level scope of a module, rather than just its exports.
  • Imports can be removed from the context, using the syntax :module -M. The import syntax is cumulative (as in a Haskell module), so this is the only way to subtract from the scope.