React Router 嵌套路由不呈现

React Router nested routes not rendering

我正在尝试以这种方式呈现 Nav 组件以及任何页面内容,因为我希望能够在 Nav 中访问 this.props.location(以突出显示导航栏上的活动位置),因此已分配它到“/”路由并传递子路由,而不是简单地渲染它。但是,只有 Nav 组件呈现; none 来自其他路由的组件在任何页面上呈现,因为 {this.props.children} 似乎在导航中未定义。我是 React 的新手,所以任何帮助都会很棒。


const landingPage = () => {
  if (Auth.isUserAuthenticated()) {
    return (
  } else {
    return (
      <Landing />

const routes = () => {
  return (
    <Route path="/" component={Nav}>
      <Route path="/" component={landingPage}/>
      <Route path="/login" component={LoginForm}/>
      <Route path="/register" component={RegistrationForm}/>
      <Route path="/logout" component={Logout}/>
      <Route path="/about" component={About}/>

class App extends React.Component<{}, null> {
  render() {
    return (


class Nav extends React.Component<any, any> {
  constructor() {

  linkActive = (link) => {
    return this.props.location.pathname.includes(link);

  logInOut = () => {
    if (!Auth.isUserAuthenticated()) {
      return (
          <NavItem active={this.linkActive("login")} href="/login">Login</NavItem>,
          <NavItem active={this.linkActive("register")} href="/register">Register</NavItem>
    } else {
      return (
        <NavItem eventKey={"logout"} href="/logout">Logout</NavItem>

  render() {
    return (
        <Navbar className="fluid collapseOnSelect">
                <a href="/">Home</a>
              <Navbar.Toggle />
              <NavItem active={this.linkActive("about")} href="/about">About</NavItem>
            <BootstrapNav pullRight>

Nav.tsx 组件

如果我没记错的话你用的是react-router v4

I want to be able to access this.props.location in Nav (to highlight active location on Nav bar), so have assigned it to "/" route and passing child routes rather than simply rendering it.

为了能够访问 this.props.locationthis.props.historythis.props.match,请使用 withRouter 高阶组件。

首先让我们导入withRouter HOC。

import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom';

要使用它,请用 withRouter 包装您的 Nav 组件。

// example code
export default withRouter(Nav);

App.tsx 组件

重新组织你的路线。我强烈建议使用 Switch.

// We are still using BrowserRouter 
import {
  BrowserRouter as Router,
} from 'react-router-dom';

    <Route path="/" component={landingPage}/>
    <Route path="/login" component={LoginForm}/>
    <Route path="/register" component={RegistrationForm}/>
    <Route path="/logout" component={Logout}/>
    <Route path="/about" component={About}/>

在您的 App.tsx 渲染方法中,您可以在顶部添加导航。

让我们假装只有经过身份验证的用户才能看到导航组件。在您的情况下,您不需要访问 this.props.children

renderNav() {
  return (this.props.authenticated) ? <Nav /> : null;

render() {
  return (
          <Route path="/" component={landingPage}/>
          <Route path="/login" component={LoginForm}/>
          <Route path="/register" component={RegistrationForm}/>
          <Route path="/logout" component={Logout}/>
          <Route path="/about" component={About}/>

如果您想了解有关 react-router v4 的更多信息,请阅读 react-training 上的这些示例、指南和 API。希望对你有帮助!