QCubed - 在多列上连接表

QCubed - Join tables on multiple columns

我们公司继承了一个使用Qcubed PHP框架的应用。该框架的特点之一是 QQuery 查询方法。我们无法确定是否可以使用 QQuery 在两列的两个表之间创建连接。

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加入: QQuery 的有趣之处在于,当在表之间设置了正确的外键时,它会自动连接表。示例页面有大量相关信息,请查看:


额外提示:请务必在加载之前定义您的连接。 Qcubed 会在请求相关对象时自动进行连接,但最好提前展开它们。


//loads a Person object into memory
//select * from person where id = 1;
$objPerson = Person::Load(1); 
echo $objPerson->Name . ' lives in ' . $objPerson->Town->Name;//will cause a query in the style "select * from town where id=x;"

//loads a Person object into memory, and joins the Town table.
//select * from person LEFT JOIN town on town.id = person.town_id where id = 1;
$objPerson = Person::Load(1, QQ::Clause(QQ::Expand(QQN::Person()->Town))); 
echo $objPerson->Name . ' lives in ' . $objPerson->Town->Name;//no extra query, town was already joined by the expand.


回答有关将 2 列作为主要列的部分:我不是 100% 确定,我从未以这种方式使用过 QCubed。但是,查看 http://qcu.be/examples/vendor/qcubed/framework/assets/php/examples/code_generator/primary_keys.php 其中提到:

QCubed also offers some support for tables that have multiple-column Primary Keys defined on it. For tables that have multi-column Primary Keys, QCubed will fully generate the object itself. But note that you will not be able to use this generated object as a related object for another table (in other words, QCubed does not support multi-column Foreign Keys). However, with all the generated Load methods in these objects, it is still possible to fully develop an application with tables that use multi-column Foreign Keys. Basically, whenever you want to access a related object via a multi-column Foreign Key, you can simply call that object's Load method directly to retrieve that object.

如果您想定义没有外键的关系,请查看本地安装中的 codegen.xml 文件。