PostgreSQLCopyHelper 批量插入 Postgresql Table C# 固定宽度文件

PostgreSQLCopyHelper Bulk Insert Postgresql Table C# Fixed Width File

我正在尝试将固定宽度文件中的数据批量插入 Postgresql Table。我偶然发现了图书馆 PostgreSQLCopyHelper

这是我在控制器中的更新操作(更新于 15/06/17)

        ProductData  pd = new ProductData();

        public ActionResult Update(q_product q_product, HttpPostedFileBase upload)
        ProductData pd;
        var entities = new List<ProductData>();
        PostgreSQLCopyHelper<ProductData> insert;                       

            if(ModelState.IsValid && upload != null)
                //uploaded file
                Stream stream = upload.InputStream;

                //need to use BULK INSERT or MULTIPLE INSERT at this point;                    

                //get the properties (columns) as set in ProductData.cs
                using (var fdr = new FileDataReader<ProductData>(stream))
                    //read and get each line on imported file
                    while ((pd = fdr.ReadLine()) != null)
                        //Lets populate insert
                        //map table columns with properties
                        insert = new PostgreSQLCopyHelper<ProductData>("public", "q_product")
                            .MapUUID("q_guid", x => Guid.NewGuid())
                            .MapText("q_barcode", x => pd.barcode)
                            .MapText("q_description", x => pd.description)
                            .MapText("q_import_size", x => pd.size)
                            .MapNumeric("q_stocklevel", x => pd.quantity)
                            .MapText("q_import_vatcode", x => pd.vatCode) //vatcode is numeric in DB, this is a String (new column for this test)
                            .MapNumeric("q_casecost", x => pd.cost)
                            .MapNumeric("q_sellprice", x => pd.price);                            

                        //add the populated entries as we iterate through the file

                        using (var connection = new NpgsqlConnection("Host=;Database=bolo;Username=western;Password=western"))
                                insert.SaveAll(connection, entities);                                    
                                int lineCount = entities.Count();
                                TempData["SuccessMessage"] = lineCount+" Records Inserted!";
                            catch (Exception er)
                                TempData["ErrorMessage"] = er.Message;
                                //TempData["ErrorMessage"] = "Error: importing records!";

                return RedirectToAction("Index");

        catch(DataException error)
            TempData["ErrorMessage"] = "Error importing records!";
            ModelState.AddModelError("", error.Message);

        return RedirectToAction("Index");

ProductData.cs 文件

public class ProductData 
    [Layout(22, 13)]
    public string barcode;        

    [Layout(49, 25)]
    public string description;

    [Layout(74, 5)]
    public string size;

    [Layout(95, 4)]
    public int quantity;

    [Layout(99, 1)]
    public string vatCode;

    [Layout(108, 7)]
    public decimal cost;

    [Layout(115, 7)]
    public decimal price;

    public override string ToString()
        return String.Format("string: {0}; string: {1}; string: {2}; int: {3}; string: {4}; decimal {5}; decimal {6}",
                barcode, description, size, quantity, vatCode, cost, price




 insert.SaveAll(connection, entities); 

恰好为空,因此不会保存任何行并引发 "Object not set reference" 错误。现在,从有关此 CopyHelper 库的有限文档中,我无法弄清楚我必须使 IEnumerable 成为哪个 class 或参数,因为 SaveAll 需要一个 IEnumerable 第二个参数

正如您从调试屏幕中看到的那样,我的 pd (ProductData) 具有需要存储在 table 中的值。我如何 link 使用 SaveAll 方法中所需的 IEnumerable 参数?


public ActionResult Update(q_product q_product, HttpPostedFileBase upload)
    ProductData pd;
    var entities = new List<ProductData>();
    PostgreSQLCopyHelper<ProductData> insert = null;
        if(ModelState.IsValid && upload != null)
            //uploaded file
            Stream stream = upload.InputStream;

            //need to use BULK INSERT or MULTIPLE INSERT at this point;                    

            //get the properties (columns)
            using (var fdr = new FileDataReader<ProductData>(stream))
                //get each line on file
                while ((pd = fdr.ReadLine()) != null)
                    //map table columns with properties
                    insert = insert ?? new PostgreSQLCopyHelper<ProductData>("public","q_product")
                        .MapUUID("q_guid", x => Guid.NewGuid())
                        .MapText("q_barcode", x => this.pd.barcode)
                        .MapText("q_description", x => this.pd.description)
                        .MapText("q_size", x => pd.size) 
                        .MapInteger("q_stocklevel", x => this.pd.quantity)
                        .MapText("q_vatcode", x => pd.vatCode)  
                        .MapMoney("q_casecost", x => this.pd.cost)
                        .MapMoney("q_sellprice", x => this.pd.price);
            using (var connection = new NpgsqlConnection("Host=;Database=tester;Username=test;Password=test"))
                    insert.SaveAll(connection, entities);                                    
                    TempData["SuccessMessage"] = "Records Inserted!";
                catch (Exception er)
                    TempData["ErrorMessage"] = er.Message;                                    
                    //TempData["ErrorMessage"] = "Error importing records!";

            return RedirectToAction("Index");

    catch(DataException error)
        TempData["ErrorMessage"] = "Error importing records!";
        ModelState.AddModelError("", error.Message);

    return RedirectToAction("Index");

主要更改是仅填充 insert 一次,然后在遍历上传的文件时将条目添加到 entities

添加到 mjwillis 的令人敬畏和非常感谢的答案,如果看不到评论部分。以下代码使一切井井有条: 从

.MapText("q_barcode", x => this.pd.barcode)

.MapVarchar("q_barcode", x => x.barcode)


//map table columns with properties
                        insert = insert ?? new PostgreSQLCopyHelper<ProductData>("public", "q_product")
                            .MapUUID("q_guid", x => Guid.NewGuid())
                            .MapVarchar("q_barcode", x => x.barcode)
                            .MapVarchar("q_description", x => x.description)
                            .MapVarchar("q_import_size", x => x.size)
                            .MapNumeric("q_stocklevel", x => x.quantity)
                            .MapVarchar("q_import_vatcode", x => x.vatCode) 
                            .MapNumeric("q_casecost", x => x.cost)
                            .MapNumeric("q_sellprice", x => x.price);