如何在 SAS/IML 中使用 do 循环制作多个数据集?

How to make multiple data sets using do loops in SAS/IML?


proc IML;
do i=1 to 20;  
[some codes to execute]  

所以我期望在完成 do 循环后得到 20 个数据集。在 SAS 中可能吗?我可以使用 macro,但我不喜欢在 PROC IML 中使用宏!


是的,使用模块内部的 CALL EXECUTE 子例程。

proc iml;
file LOG;

output = (1:10)`;

/*This is how you create a data set from a matrix*/
create outdata from output;
append from output;
close outdata;

/*This module will create 1 data set for each variable in OUTPUT*/
start loopit;
do i=1 to 10;
    x = output[i];
    /*build the string you want to execute*/
    outStr = 'create outdata' + catt(i) + " from x; append from x; close outdata" + catt(i) + ";";
    put outStr; /*Print the string to the log*/

    /*Execute the string*/
    call execute(outStr);
finish loopit;

/*Call the module*/
call loopit;


如果您有 SAS/IML 12.1,它作为 SAS 9.3m2 的一部分于 2012 年 8 月发布,那么您只需将每个数据集的名称括在括号中,就像这样

proc iml;
names = "Data1":"Data20";
do i = 1 to ncol(names);
   x = i;
   dsname = names[i];   /* construct each name */
   create (dsname) from x;
   append from x;
   close (dsname);

完整的程序和解释见文章最后一个例子"Read data sets that are specified by an array of names."