JavaFX:如何根据 GridPane 中动态创建的文本字段的值计算平均值?

JavaFX: How to calulcate average from the values of dynimically created TextFields inside GridPane?

我在 JavaFx 中创建了一个应用程序,其中我动态地创建了两个具有相同行数的 GridPanes,两个 GridPanes 都有文本字段,下面有一个这样的按钮:

用户可以像这样在 GridPane A 动态创建的 TextFields 中写入任何数字:

我想要的是,当用户按下提交按钮时,程序应该计算每行中存在的值的总和,然后将每行计算的总和除以整个 GridPane 的 TextFields 总和,并根据 GridPane 的行位置在第二个 GridPane 的 TextFields 中显示结果例如GridPane A第0行的计算结果应该像这样显示在GridPane B的第0行:

我正在像这样创建 GridPane GridPane A:

public static GridPane tableA(int rows, Button button){
    GridPane table = new GridPane();

    rowValidationBindings = new BooleanBinding[rows];

    for(int i=0; i<rows; i++){
        TextField textField1 = new TextField();
        TextField textField2 = new TextField();
        TextField textField3 = new TextField();

        rowValidationBindings[i] = Bindings.createBooleanBinding(
            () -> {
                if (textField1.getText().matches("\d+") &&
                    textField2.getText().matches("\d+") &&
                    textField1.getText().matches("\d+") {
                    return true ;
                } else {
                    return false ;
            }, textField1.textProperty(), textField2.textProperty(), textField3.textProperty()

        table.add(textField1, 0, i+1);
        table.add(textField2, 1, i+1);
        table.add(textField3, 2, i+1);

        () -> ! Stream.of(rowValidationBindings).allMatch(BooleanBinding::get),

    return table;

网格窗格 B

public static GridPane tableB(int rows, Button button){
    GridPane table = new GridPane();

    rowValidationBindings = new BooleanBinding[rows];

    for(int i=0; i<rows; i++){
        TextField textField1 = new TextField();

        rowValidationBindings[i] = Bindings.createBooleanBinding(
            () -> {
                if (textField1.getText().matches("\d+") {
                    return true ;
                } else {
                    return false ;
            }, textField1.textProperty()

        table.add(textField1, 0, i+1);

    () -> ! Stream.of(rowValidationBindings).allMatch(BooleanBinding::get),
    return table;

从 table 到特定行和列的 return 组件的方法:

public static Node getComponent (int row, int column, GridPane table) {
         for (Node component : table.getChildren()) { // loop through every node in the table
             if(GridPane.getRowIndex(component) == row && 
                             GridPane.getColumnIndex(component) == column) {
                 return component;

         return null;


    private void calcul() {
        GridPane table = (GridPane) anchorPane.getChildren().get(0);
        for(int i=1 ; i<=comboxBox.getValue(); i++){
            String text0 = ((TextField) getComponent (i, 0, table)).getText();
            String text1 = ((TextField) getComponent (i, 1, table)).getText();
            String text2 = ((TextField) getComponent (i, 2, table)).getText();

              System.out.println(text0 + " " + text1 + " " + text2);
              System.out.println("Next Row");



// pass the numberOfRows which is comboxBox.getValue()
// pass tableA and tableB.
// fetch the numbers (in a String format) from all TextFields at every row in tableA
// and caclulate the result after parsing the Strings from each as double values
// set the result in the corresponding TextField in tableB in every loop
private void calcul(GridePane tableA, GridPane tableB, int numberOfRows) {
     double result = 0;
     for(int i=0 ; i<numberOfRows; i++){
        result = (Double.parseDouble(((TextField) getComponent (i, 0, tableA)).getText()) +
                  Double.parseDouble(((TextField) getComponent (i, 1, tableA)).getText()) +
                  Double.parseDouble(((TextField) getComponent (i, 2, tableA)).getText()))
                                            / (numberOfRows*3);

        ((TextField) getComponent (i, 0, tableB)).setText(String.valueOf(result));




// pass the numberOfRows which is comboxBox.getValue()
// pass tableA and tableB.
private void calcul(GridePane tableA, GridPane tableB, int numberOfRows) {
    // first get the total and store it in a variable
    double total =0;
    for(Node node : tableA){
      if(node instanceof TextField){
         total += Double.parseDouble(((TextField)node).getText());

    // fetch the numbers (in a String format) from all TextFields at every row in tableA
    // and calculate the average after parsing the Strings from each as double values
    // set the average in the corresponding TextField in tableB in every loop
    double average = 0;
    for(int i=0 ; i<numberOfRows; i++){
       average = (Double.parseDouble(((TextField) getComponent (i, 0, tableA)).getText()) +
                  Double.parseDouble(((TextField) getComponent (i, 1, tableA)).getText()) +
                  Double.parseDouble(((TextField) getComponent (i, 2, tableA)).getText()))
                                           / (total);

       ((TextField) getComponent (i, 0, tableB)).setText(String.valueOf(average));
